Monday, October 16, 2017

Why aren't warm fall days called Indian Summer anymore?

Looking at weather people doing news they don't a warm spell in fall Indian Summer anymore. why? My gust is it ain't policially  correct. We live world that is so up tight about offended anybody is lacks soul

Monday, August 28, 2017

Grover Cleveland stated a view on veto that wouldn't be acceptable today.

On 2/16/1887 vetoed the Texas seed bill. In Texas there was drought farmers were hurting so Congress passed the Texas seed bill;however, President Grover Cleveland veto it and stated," though the people support the government, the government should not support the people."

Friday, August 4, 2017

I got a letter to the editor published on 8/2/2017 in the New York Pos about the firing of the Mooch.

I got a letter to the editor published on 8/2/2017 in the New York post on the firing of Mooch.
This is what appear in the paper: So the Mooch got the boot.
 The White House under Trump is looking more and more  like an insane  asylum  where the loonies are running the show. This show should be canceled.

Now what was edited out was after the Mooch got the boot I wrote and it's like One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.

I got letter to the editor published in the Record(largest newspaper in northern Jersey) on O.J

I got letter to the editor published on 7/25/2017 in the Record (the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey on O.J
This is what in the paper: Justice may be blind , but in O.J Simpson's case it was dumb. I'm sick of this never-ending saga of a spoiled child of  privilege of the athletic class.
 Simpson is very like the man living in the White House ; nether believes rules of society apply  to them. I wouldn't be surprised if President Trump were to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general with O.J.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Got a letter to the editor published in the NY Daily News on 7/20/2017 on value of mercy.

This is what appeared in Daily News on 7/20/2017 in voice of people section: "Fort Lee,NJ Enough with Sheldon Silver. Let's remember apt words of Shakespeare: " The quality of mercy is no srain'd. It droppeth like gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."
Let's show some mercy to Sheldon Silver. He is 73 years old.
A 12-year sentence is a life senence, and in that there is no justice.  

Got a letter publish to editor in te New York Post on 7/19/2017 on the hypocrisy of Jamie Dimon.

This is what appeared in the New York Post on 7/19/2017 in the section
" JP Morgan Chase CEO ( who is no diamond in the rough) has chutzpah complaining about Washington( " Fix the Country," July 15)  After all, didn't Washington bail out Dimon and his buddies in the banking industry during the financial crisis ?
 Dimon has a point that Washington is stupid. It saved Dimon and his friends from themselves.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Trump down in polls, but base holding steady

Trump down in polls, but base holding steady. His honesty is question,however, good marks on economy. Russia will lead to downfall Trump doesn't understand world politics and has always had soft for Russia , even the Soviet day. I remember back in 1970's Trump wanted to build a hotel in Moscow, but didn't understand there was no such thing as private property in Communism.