Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Oil,Oil Oil that's what world is worried about our power running dryOf course,Libya is on fire is we take notice,but soon or later that trouble spot will cool off,but will there be other? Who knows?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Icy is nice but life Egypt ain't

Here in Northern New Jersey there is ice all over place,it looks so pretty on trees but,indeed,is dangerous when start to melt off builds and trees.
Uprising in support of government in Egypt now,is it silent majority,who media often over looks they see world in Marxism lens.The truth of matter,Mubarak give his people peace for thirty a rare commodity
the Middle East.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new day. First attempt to put thoughts down

Today weather,as it's been all winter,bad icy rain.Starting today a new day for I am starting this blog.I am technical idoit have dyslexia but have good mind know a lot about history,politics and stock market(indeed plan to give some tips alone the way)).Believe the economy is looking up but you never know always surprise down road.Just look at what Egypt,all seem well but than protest in Tunisia lead to downfall that government,now it seem it's Egypt.Mubarak is finish but replaces him nobody knows whether miltary which has dominate government in Egyypt since coup in 1952(King Farouk was overthrow and Nasser become not only leader of Egypt but,in a way,the Arab world.