Sunday, April 22, 2012

Your don't say

Yesterday,as i was entering the front library,on front bench two young Asia girls,maybe 13 or 14,yes you don't say.The only person I ever heard say that was my grandfather,one of his favite expression.
Watch the Yankee Red Soxs game-what a game! Yankees down 9 to 0 yet pull out win 15 to 9.How about that as Mel Allen would say.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

NPR interview with director of Best Man wrong on history

Heard today on NPR an interview with,I think,the director on show that was movie in nineteen sixties,written Gore Vidal called Best Man,very good movie,Any the directer said,Vidal want to promoted JFK and character Russell,an Left-wing intellectual was JFK and he populist conservative was LBJ.But this is not true first of all,Vidal didn't think much of JFK,indeed,he thought is was charming lightweight,second the Russell character was base on Adlai Stevenson the conservative populist,my guess was RFK,but some believe it was JFK others Nixon or Joe McCarthy or maybe combination.
This shows how people theatre and NPR are very bias and bad source of information unfortunately so is our schools,a place where lives are ruined.