Saturday, September 27, 2014

A world of double standards

We can not pick and choose what parts of world we use a standard.WE can not say, we will have an African standard in African,an Asian standard in Asia and British standard in America.We do not have that choice to make,henceforth, we must be consistent with ourselves everywhere.All governments are influenced by public opinion,but public is often asleep,or stuck in there little world letting others rule the roost.People have to come alive and take part in politics otherwise they lose freedom and if you don't take part you deserve to lose you freedom.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I lost my health insurance because of Obamacare

I lost my health insurance because of Obamacare.I don't know what to do,I'm in a pickle and very much dill,the government hasn't sent me G-D damn thing.I'm ranning coucil in Fort Lee there is debate on Oct. the first,which I will be a player,my health insurance rans out that day with my luck I'll have heart attack that day and medial bill will drive to street thank you President Obama I would lived a nice if it wasn't you.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Now who's going to clean up the mess in Venezuela now that Clorox is leaving?

Now who's going to clean up the mess in Venezuela now that Clorox is leaving? Because of fix price controls,Clorox can't make money,henceforth,they are saying good-bye to Venezuela.Communism is road to hell,but dummies marching Wall Street today supposedly for climate change(since dawn of time climate has change,every day,hour,minute,or second) but in reality they are against capitalism and for communism.It has work out so well in Venezuela or any place else it's been tried!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Who was the Southern governor who win in part because the KKK endorse him,but later on he back Obama President.

Who was the Southern Governor who win in part because the KKK endorse him,however,later on he supported Barack Obama for President? George Wallace? No,indeed,he beat Wallace for Governor of Alabama in 1958.After that,Wallace said I'll will never be n_gered of out again and running as champion of segregation Wallace win governship in 1962.The man who beat Wallace in 1958 was John Malcolm Patterson.
I just saw film,"The Phenix City Story" it was about to bring justice,if you will,law and order to Phenix City Alabama,which at time was know as sin capital of the South.It was corrupt beyond belief.Run by criminals,however both John Patterson and his father Albert Patterson took the criminals,with belief that all it takes for evil triumph is for good men to do nothing.Albert run for A.G in Alabama and win the Democratic nomimation,which in those days was tantamount to being elected,however,he was assassinated and his son John took his place and become the Attorney General of Alabama.In 1958 he ran for governor and win with the help of KKK.But as world turn so must have Patterson for in 2008,believe or not,he supported Barack Obama for President.When he was Governor he was a hard core segregationist,however,the day Obama was sworn in Patterson said integration was a non-starter in Alabama at the time.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sarkozy is back!

After spending time in London town,making money,almost in slammer when the French authorities beckon him home to face the police,but nothing happen,no indictment,no crime.Now Sarkozy in the game of French politics,running way ahead of the current French President,behind the horrendous clan of Penn.Actually the daughter is the ass the father was,however,too much bagage with name of Penn.Nobody is close to 50% needed to win so ran off and if it's Sarkory against Penn,Sarkozy will be President again.

O ye'll tak' the high road,and Ah'll tak' the low road.And Ah'll be in Scotlan' afore ye.

O ye'll tak' the high road,and Ah'll tak' the low road.Ah'll be in Scotlan' afore ye.
Now Scotland will stay in the U.K all will right with world.For movements(maybe bowel movements)for independence in places like Quebec(I was in Quebec city in 1969 what beautiful city,very European) Cataluna,many other places have be dishearten.The whole stays and waters are calm.The break up of free nation is bad thing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How did the land of John Knox's become so Left-wing?

How did the land(Scotland) of John Knox become so Left-wing? Of course,tomorrow Scotland votes weather or not to leave the U.K. It's interesting the Tories only one seat in Scotland out around 70 seats.Labor will lose big if Scotland goes it's own.But how did Scotland become Socialist?Presbyterian Scotland is last place you think Karl Marx would made an inprint,but it happen.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post.

Got a letter to the editor published today(9/14/14) in the New York Post.
It's titled,"A fool's bet."
This is what wrote and appeared in the paper,"Casinos for New York is a road to nowhere.
Only a person living a fool's paradise believe casinos can solve New York's problems of over-taxation and spending.
Just look at Atlantic City,once a crown jewel ,now a begger.People were promised that casinos would save Atlantic City,but it's a Jericho with the walls tumbling down."

Bruce Morton R.I.P

Bruce Morton died the other day,he was newsman who work for CBS and CNN.He had a very distinguished voice.I had two experience with him many years apart:the first was like most newsmen he was man of left,henceforth,I wrote a letter to and said you went to Harvard,the Crimson Tide proving you are red.To his credit he wrote back and said the Crimson Tide was plenty good but how about the University of  Alabama? That was early nineteen eighties about 15 years later I was working for J.G Wentworth,buying privately held mortgage note and Bruce Morton speak to him had nice but short conversation,he didn't sell his note.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ian Paisley R.I.P

Today the once hard line Unionist,Protestant leader Ian Paisley died.Indeed,he was symbol Ulsterman's defiance against Catholic advancement and strong believer in British rule.Towards end to did deal with Catholic become First Minister of Northern Ireland.
He come to mind as watch French Tv and mention his death.Also a few days ago,I was watch the House of Commons in U.K and heard his son Ian Paisley,on question time,tell the Prime Minister,he's not the only one not expecting any honors from the Pope.The House went up in laugher.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The reversal of the Darien Scheme maybe coming soon!

The failure of the Darien Scheme is why Scotland is part of Great Britain.The Darien Scheme,a plan for foundation of a Scottish colony in Central America.The colony would be manage by the Company of Scotland.A threat to English trade,especially upset the Wings in England.With Spanish opposition,underfunding and mismanagement the Scheme went burst.The English government agree to bail out Scotland,but proviso was Scotland to eliminate it's parliament and join the British Union which was done 1707.In 1979 the Scottish parliament was brought back life,under devolution.Soon it vote whether to stay in union and look like the Scots will vote to separate from the union.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Martin Luther perhaps most underated man in history

The Catholic church,in a way,pick up pieces from Roman Empire,indeed,one could say it came alive from the skeleton of the Roman Empire.For after collapse of the Roman Empire,there was vacuum in the world,what governments did the church began to do but schism began about power of church and it's doctrines.There was John Wyclif in England and John Huss in Bohemia.The man of the hour,who come just at the right time Martin Luther.Luther proves a man with conviction,at the right time history can change the world.The belief that people can touch God without without priest.
Protestantism,in a way,set stage for American Democracy:distrust of centralized government and citizens have right to protest all from Protestantism.Without Luther maybe we would still be dark ages!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Saw the film Young Winston today excellent!

Saw the film Young Winston today excellent. I think it was made in late nineteen sixties,curiously Jane Seymour and Anthony Hopkins had small parts in movie,Hopkins played Lloyd George.Anne Bancroft played Jennie Jerome Churchill and Simon Ward played Winston Churchill did great job especially the voice,of course Churchill distinct voice,very dramatic,his pauses,the way emphasize words,his hesitation,a master of spoken word and written word too.Churchill was true genius,yet he did very badly in school,I can relate to that.
His father was broken man,failed politician,and took it out Winston,who love his father,indeed,idioized him.But accord movie andthe book "Churchill Speaks 1897-1963 edited by Robert Rhodes James,M.P on page 4 "Churcill was twenty years of age when Lord Randolph Churchill died at the age of forty-five.All attempts by the son for a close relationship had been brusquely rejected;nevertheless,the influence of Lord Randolph  shaped Churchill's character,impelled him towards a political career,and dominated his early attitudes."
That comes acrossed very clearly in film.He could not please his father,who put him down as not to meet the standard of  his class. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

As a matter of practical necessity,socialist democracy may eventually turn out to be more of a sham than capitalist democracy ever was.

As a matter of practical necessity,socialist democracy may eventually turn out to be more of a sham than capitalist democracy ever was.Wow! Who's words are there? Not mind,I wish they were,but not to be.The words are from Joseph Alois Schumpeter in his book Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy published in 1942.Schumpeter was Austrian born Economist(he was the Austrian minister of finance 1919-20).In 1932 he come to America(don't know if Jewish or not,but do think left because the Nazi)he became an American citizen.
I also think he came the idea of creative destruction.Another good ideas,indeed,creative thinking can shake the world and not always in way,at least stort ranAn example of this would be Suez Canal.It made tranportion of good much cheaper,a good thing.Right? But things got so cheap that business can't made a profit,hence world wide depression.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Obamaomics the fat cats get fatter(the Rich get richer) and poor get poorer.

Obamanomics the fat cats get fatter(the rich get richer) and poor get poorer.In this make believe world we live in,the ironic thing is politicians like Obama rail against economic inequality yet the master of class warfare has divided us more with classes of only the rich and poor.
America is coming more like third world country,dominated by the super rich,but clocks it's self in a new just socialism! It's game losted is America of it's roots:thelove freedom,the befief in our self,befief in consent of govern.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Lady Macbeth defence didn't work so well for former Governor of Virginia McDonnell

The Lady Macbeth defence didn't work so well for former Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell.Both him and wife,what fine pair there are,were found guilty on many charges,henceforth,McDonnell will go from Governor's house,not really he's former Governor now separated from his wife,he's with his parish priest,to the big house,sentencing in few,could spend many years in jail both him and his wife.
What a shame,indeed,a Shakespearean tragedy! Once a pond time,dynamic McDonnell,who had that military bearing was maybe future Vice-President or President.Did fine job in State of Union rebuttal a few years ago,indeed,had great future know all lost,disgrace man going to jail.

Redux the West to support Bashar al-Assad like we supported Stalin.

Redux the West to support Bashar al-Assad like we supported Stalin.ISIS is proving politics ,indeed,
makes strange bedfellows.Much talk about joining fight against ISIS with Syria and Iran our arch enemies but ISIS is worst.It's like World War Two the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed pact of friendship,but then Hitler attack the Soviet Union,henceforth,we invited the Soviet Union to join the fray our enemies become allies we give them arm and fight with them defeat Nazism.Is history now repeating it's self?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The T.V Program Law and Order gives out misinformation

The T.V Program Law and Order gives out misinformation.Last night I saw an episode of Law Order,it was very entertaining,but leftist information which was obvious and deceitful.It was program that shown how the members of lawenforement reacted to seeing the death penefy in effect.Detective Curtis(played by Benjamin Bratt) meets this bimbo in the park,she goes on how Dole is old,Curtis says he like Dole because he will be easy for Clinton to beat.She said,oh a Wall Street guy that Democatic,like that was rare thing in 1990'S.The true is most likely Clinton got more money from Wall Street then Dole and by 1990's maybe half of Wall Street was Democrats.Now it's true once a pond time Wall Street was dominated Republicans but when Wall Street become more Jewish the poitics changed.
Then they had the teacher by was murdered,a tape of her lecture,and said the American Revolution was started by the middle over unfair taxes.But truth is American Revolution was started mostly by the upper class,people that felt they were disrespected the British authorities.
As far as,unfair taxes well that would depend on point of view! To the British they were heavily debt over the the Seven Year War(sometimes called the French Indian War) and thought the American Colonies should pay part of paying off that debt.They thought the Colonies had own them since save them from dastardly French Catholics.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The world must be upside down,when Socialist attack Zionism.

The world must be upside down,when Socialist attack Zionism.For Zionism was born out Socialism,indeed,for long time the Kibbutz,collective farming like did in Soviet Union and when Gorbachev visited Israel he said Kibbutz was real communism and it works,was symbol Zionism.
Curious when the Right-wing America talk show host,who is very pro-Israel, Sean Hannity describe
a Kibbutz as a village.
Anyway,I was watch the British parliament debating today,it was mainly fighting ISIS but so many of P.M's in Labor would rather fight Israel and,of course,Labor is the Socialist party in Britain.Even a labor member who I think was Jewish,his name was  Kaufman and he represents Manchester,which may be has large Muslim population,I don't know.