Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Is Keynesian economics dead?

Is Keynesian economics dead? Keynesian economics which work very well from the end of World War Two to the 1970's when stagflation kick in, but in 1980's President Reagan did the other side of the coin of Keynesian economics, tax cuts and FED in late 1970's into the early eighties under Paul Volker raised interest over 20 percent and it all seemed to work until the financial meltdown of 2008. Now the fed has interest rates (the Fed Funds which are loans bank made to one another overnight are near zero) and it doesn't seem to be working.  

Friday, July 22, 2016

What's more important Hillary's pick for V-P or Verizon buying parts of Yahoo?

What's more important Hillary's pick for V-P or Verizon buying parts of Yahoo? One of the people Hillary's short list is Virginia Senator Tim Kane, who will not raise cane because he's unassuming. But interesting family relation: his Father-law was first Republican Governor for Virginia in 100 years (from 1969-1973) also did much to deseparate Viginia public schools.
Verizon will buy parts of Yahoo- Marissa Mayer is out but don't feel too bad for her she get 50 million for good-bye, Ailes he won't be ailing for money on his way out of Fox News for his good-bye 40 million, not bad for dirty old man.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

First time every ( at least since the Soviet Union) Russia is the top exporter of wheat.

First time every (at least since the Soviet Union,I think in Czar time Russia did export much wheat and maybe under the Czar Putin it's return) Russia is top exporter wheat. From more then 50 years U.S farmers exported more wheat then anyone, but recorded Russia surpassed the U.S.
U.S Dollar way up, oil down. How will a strong U.S Dollar play against commodities?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Food companies hot this summer.

Food companies hot this summer, for Danone makes a bid ( 10.4 BILLION) for WhiteWave , an American company that makes dairy alternatives,you know health stuff like organic milk.
Kraft-Heinz wants to buy Hershey, which was target many years ago, any takeover must get approval of the Trust Fund which control Hershey, last the trust down  the takeover bid.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Becker scandal

In other time,other era, sometime very apropos for today a policeman committing murder with an ethnic group in cross hairs very upset.
The Becker scandal was worst scandal in NYC police history. It lead to execution of Charles Becker in 1915. Who was Charles Becker? He was a lieutenant in NYC police Dept., and get this name, Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo made Becker head of vice. Becker ran a criminal ring from police Dept. One of Becker's criminal enterprises was doing business with Herman Rosenthal, a well know gambler. Becker demanded more and more money from Rosenthal and when Rosenthal refused to pay, Becker shut down his operation. Rosenthal went to the new squeaky clean district attorney Charles Whitman( the grandfather of husband of former New Jersey Governor).To chagrin of many powerful people Whitman went after Becker.  Becker order his thugs to kill Rosenthal which was done, Becker and his thug were arrested.
The trail open 10/7/1912 the prosecutors were Charles Whitman and his assistant Frank Moss. Becker had impressive team John Mclntyre, Lloyd B. Stryker, and George Whiteside.The judge was hanging one by the name of Goff.
The jury found Becker guilty, however, the conviction was overturned in the Court of Appeals.
The second trail started on 5/2/1914 this time the judge was Samuel Seabury( years later gain fame from the Seabury commission) Becker had new defense team: W. Bourke Cockran( who was lover of Winton Churchill's mother, it's said Churchill copy his speaking style from Cockran) and John Johnson, Martin Manton. Whitman this time handled the case himself.
Whitman changed strategy instead depend on witness you turned state evidence,he depend on testimony of James Marshall, a young black,who had been on Becker's payroll as informer but had not participated in Rosenthal murder, however, so there when Becker give order to kill Rosenthal. The defense belittle Marshall, mock him, as black man who can't be trusted to tell the truth. the jury didn't buy it again Becker was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Whitman was elected Governor and ironies of ironies the only person that could save Becher from the chair was Whitman by pardon it didn't happen and on 7/30/1915 Becker was executed in Sing Sing prison.                

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Donald Trump the new Nixon?

Donald Trump has said he's Law and Order candidate, it bring back the 1968 campaign when country seems to falling apart: riots in our cities, high crime rate so Nixon used theme of Law and Order to win the presidency.
And despite being disgrace Trump doesn't mind the comparison with Nixon.
I hate Trump, but one few that likes Nixon. For one thing nothing came easy for Nixon and dyslexia that hits home with me. Plus I think Watergate was payback by the Left for Nixon exposing Alger Hiss for Soviet Agent he was, indeed, I wonder if Watergate wasn't a coup.  

Friday, July 8, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post it's about Elie Wiesel R.I.P

Got a letter to the Editor published today( 7/8/2016) in the New York Post- it's about Elie Wiesel R.I.P. This is what appear in the paper:" Wiesel saw the very worst in human nature and how men could be manipulated into barbaric actions. Such tales of honor often go untold.
Wiesel's life should remind us of the words from British statesman Edmund Burke:" All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."