Monday, October 24, 2016

Donald Trump is full of beans (that's why he doesn't smell too) when tells people he can renegotiate trade deals and add a Contitutional amenment within his first hundred days

Donald Trump is full of beans (that's why he does smell so good) when tells people that he can renegotiate deals and put forth Constitutional Amendment for term limits to Congress within his first hundred days.
First of all trade deals aren't easy, just lo0ok at Canadian deal with the EU. I think took 7 years of negotiations and at the end of day it was veto by one half of country southern  Belgium.
Constitutional Amendments are very hard to pass: the common way is two-thirds of Congress ( both houses) must pass then it goes the states where three quarters of states must approve.The other way is two-thirds of state petitions for a convention.

Friday, October 14, 2016

From the Wall Street Journal on 10/3/16 a list a major country debt and % government in G.N.P

Government debt as a share of GDP: Japan 233%, Italy 147%, France 116%, U.S 107%, U.K 103%, Canada 94% and Germany 80%.
Government expenditures as a share of GDP, 2015: France 53.4%, Italy 49.2% Germany 43.5, U.S 40.9%, Japan 40.1% and the U.K 39.9%  

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published today 10/4/16 in the NY Post on Trump and taxes.

Got a letter to the editor published today (10/4/16) in the New York Post about Trump and taxes. This is what appeared in the paper:" As business and tax cheat Leona Helmsley once infamously put it, "Only little people pay taxes."
Well, I'm one of those little people.
Trump saying that not paying taxes makes him smart is like saying, Let them eat cake."
Meanwhile, you have people like Chris Christie saying Trump's a genius for losing almost a billion dollars.
Do these people have no shame?"

Monday, October 3, 2016

Giuliani is a fool.

Rudy Giuliani once America's mayor, now in foolish defend Trump is looking so foolish. Defend taking oil from ISIS, how does one do that? You need a large ground force and international courts would rule the oil belong to Iraq anyway.
Then Giuliani calls Trump a genius for losing near a billion dollar, it reminds one how many Germans call the Fuhrer a genius in the 1930's.