Sunday, March 26, 2017

Richard Russell an unlikely hero of civil liberties

Richard Russell, for many years he was the U.S Senator from Georgia , very conservative took on Joe McCarthy. Russell made speech in senate called," huckster of hysteria" where he call McCarthy a salesman of infamy. It was in respond to a piece in American Mercury written by J.B Matthews called," Reds in the Church" a Methodist Bishop G.Bromley Oxman was called a communist, Oxman was friend other very conservative southern U.S Senator Harry Byrd.
Republican U.S Senator from Michigan Charles Potter also called out Matthews.
Other Republicans who called out McCarthy were Prescott Bush ( the father and grandfather of Presidents) Kuchel from California and Margaret Chase Smith from Maine ( one first Women who was talk about to be a national ticket- when Smith was ask by a report what would she do if one morning she wore up getting in the White House? Her answer is classic she said," She would apologize to Mrs. Truman and go home."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FLSA) was created in 1978. I think as reaction to Church Committee, where CIA Director William Colby would spill his guts, indeed, Nelson Rockefeller call him Alger Hiss.
FLSA created a secret  court and surprise, surprise it's author was none other then Ted Kennedy.
In the FLSA court there are no defense lawyers, only Federal Lawyers from F.B.I or Justice Dept appear, the record are sealed, but Chief Justice or Attorney General can unseal them.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lindsey Graham no graham cracker.

Lindsey Graham no graham cracker. For Lindsey is living up to good Southern Senators tradition, keeping faith American's believe in liberty. When F.D.R try to pack the Supreme Court it was Southern Senators like Walter F. George who stood up to him; when Senator Joseph McCarthy had his rule of terror, it was Southern Senators like Richard Russell who stood up against him, now Lindsey Graham is following in that role standing up against a man(Putin's man in White House) who cares little for liberty.