Sunday, May 14, 2017

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 5/12/2017.

Got letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 5/12/2017 about Joseph  Ponte scandal. Joseph Ponte was the correction commissioner for NYC, who used city cars to drive up to Maine( where he had country Home at the taxpayer dime.) 
This is what appeared in the paper: Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. Somebody should have told Ponte that some of the lost souls on Rikers Island are there because of ignorance of the law.
It is curious that de Blasio who see himself as the champion of the underclass does a punt on Ponte's elitist and rulebreaking behavior like that of a spoiled child.
 Does the word "integrity" mean anything to the mayor?

Monday, May 8, 2017

What Ralph Waldo Emerson said about Daniel Webster.

This is what Ralph Waldo Emerson said about Daniel Webster," The word liberty in the  mouth of Mr. Webster sounds like the word love in the mouth of a courtesan."

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Did anyone see my words aired on Sixty Minutes on 4/30/2017

Did anyone see my word aired on Sixty Minutes on 4/30/2017 ?
This is what wrote and appear in Sixty Minutes," Mike Bloomberg is a self made man who worship his creator."