Saturday, March 31, 2012

Margaret Chase Smith

The other night listening to Hugh Hewitt show on radio,he had on Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Romney's name came up and she said how father campaigned for his mother who ran for Senate from Mich. in 1970.She went on say Lenore Romney because she was woman stated that only one women senator from Maine but didn't remember the name Hewitt went on say I think it's Helen something-WRONG!
It was Margaret Chase Smith,who's mainly know not from coming from Maine,but rather her attack on Joseph McCarthy,know as mad dog who was right but he went about it wrong.Anyway six other Republicans agree with Smith.McCarthy call Smith and her supporters as Snow White and six dwarfs.McCarthy removed Smith from intelligences committee he chaired and replace her with Richard Nixon.
Senator was on Eisenhower's short for V-P and thought shed be first woman President.Indeed.once she was asked,what would she do if one morning she found herself in the White House? Her answer was classic,she said,first apologize to Mrs.Truman and then go home.

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