Saturday, July 27, 2013

Believe or not there was time when the U.S almost went to war with Great Britain for Venezuela rights.

Believe or not,there was time when the U.S almost went to with Great Britain for Venezuela rights.
Back in 1895 there was border dispute between Venezuela and British Guyana(which is part British Empire).British Guyana was claiming land of Venezuela rich with minerals and British government was threatening to send troops to occupy the land in dispute.To some peoples surprise President Cleveland put his presidency on the line,and said it was the U.S duty to resist every means in its power the expropriation of any land by Great Britian.He base this on the Monroe Doctrine.Now some were surprise because Cleveland's foreign policy was general one of being passive and non-infering,some cynically said his action were to get people's minds off panic of 1893(one worst economic downturns in U.S history)however,to fair to Cleveland he was anti-imperialist.
Anyway war fever it high pitch,mainly driven by a newspaper man William Randolph Hearst,the king of yellow journalism,although he didn't invent yellow journalism,that dubious honor goes to Joseph Pulitzer,who Hearst took on when brought the Journal whose circulation went up to 150,000 from 20,000 under Hearst.As time went on crys for war with Britain over Venezuela faded away and cry was for war with Spain over Cuba.
Also Britain had it's hands full with war  in South Africa so at end day the Venezuela land dispute was settle by boundary commission set up by President Cleveland. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leonard Garment R.I.P

I didn't realize it,until today when I pick an old Wall Street Journal dated 7/16/13 that Leonard Garment had past away.It didn't make any real news,yet he was high power attorney,first in New York City then in Washington D.C. Brought to D.C by Richard Nixon,who Garment had work in Nixon's law firm(Nixon,Mudge,Rose,Guthrie and Alexander which Nixon become parnter after being attimed to the New York bar.After he was defeated for Governor of California,he left California and moved to New York City) Garment despite being a liberal Jew(a Jazz aficionado I don't think Nixon's cup of tea) Nixon and him become great friends.
There is great story about Garment and Nixon on business trip to Florida,in Tom Wicker's biography of Nixon called,"One of Us".Despite being a liberal,in his case worst type of liberal a White Southern liberal,Tom Wicker's,"One of Us" was pretty favorable biography of Nixon.Wicker is outstanding writer,he has pasted himself,but words live forevermore and his economy of words,he can say so much with few words.For example he once said about President Reagan,the media thought he dumbest man alive,that is until he win re-election then they got scare of him because they realize he knew something they didn't.
He wrote small biography about Eisenhower,were he tells a story in 1956 campaign Wicker is working at small newpaper in North Carolina and on the side he is rasing money for Stevenson.He confronted by blue haired publisher's wife,Wicker defends himself by saying it's insurance,in case who know who gets in.The woman replys"young man I vote for Eisenhower even if he was dead."
Back to Garment and Nixon's trip to Florida.In 1966 Nixon was argue a case before Supreme Court,but his experience was very limited as trial lawyer so on business to Fla. he took Garment,a very experience trial lawyer as coach of sorts.Anyway place Nixon had arranged to stay,was trap to get publicity for developer he knew a friend of his,which he had meet eariler in day,a C.E.O of a drug company had pool house he and Len could use for night,however,it was 3 in morning and place would lock up and protect by a 8 ft wall.So third in morning Nixon and Garment with brief cases in hand and business suits put foots in clasp hands and climb the wall to the pool house.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A fool can turn the world upside down.

A fool can turn the world upside down,so it must be George Zimmerman.Not racist,not evil man but damn fool.He wanted to be a hero,so follow Trayvon Martin and confronted him,but bit off more than he can chew,for Zimmerman is a fat overweight,out shape man,Martin was young fit young,hence,Martin started beating the crap out Zimmerman,who panic,indeed,he did think he's life was in danger and shot and killed Martin.This would never happen if Zimmerman stay in car,as he was told to do and if Martin wasn't angry young man,maybe trying to prove his manhood.A tragedy no doubt cause by stupidity.But world see color,maybe,in everything people march mindless saying they want justice,but they don't even know what justice is and other people demonize Martin who's great was being at wrong place,at wrong time and maybe trying to prove his manhood.White,black division people are interested truth but settling what believe without reason,hence, a fool like Zimmerman can turn the world upside down.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Phil filled the bill number 5 in majors for he took the high and win in Scotland.

Phil filled the bill number in majors,for he took the high road and  win in Scotland,home of golf.Too bad for Lee Westwood,a gent no doubt,but snake bitten in majors maybe he's day will never come.Of course,Muirfield is pictures,like dream of good life,quaint with rule of no woman but disappear as roar of modern life appears and ugly head will rule the day.
Nelson Peltz wants Pepsi to buy Mondelez(old Kraft's international businesses)and the Pepsi to spin off Drinks from snacks businesses.
G.E profits are up because jet engine parts business and Oil and Gas division,which go open a global headquarter in London town.There would been time when such headquarter would have been in New York,until the 1970's both Mobil and Exxon had there headquarter in New York City,but people are stupid and chase them away with good jobs and lot of money for state and city New York.But media and schools will never mention this because they don't have minds.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Elon Musk the next Henry Ford or maybe Preston Tucker or more likely a Henry Kaiser?

Elon Musk the next Henry Ford or maybe Preston Tucker or more likely a Henry Kaiser? One thing for sure Bloomberg media loves Elon Musk ,for him and Egyptian guy(Bill Gross partner) are always on Bloomberg T.V and this week's cover story for Bloomberg Businessweek magazine was "Why Everybody(then sharp of a heart) Tesla."
Of course,is guy a new creative genius like Henry Ford flash in pan like Tucker or Henry Kaiser.Of course,he be more like Kaiser because Kaiser took lots of government money and was big supporter of New Deal.Indeed,because Tucker took no government money many think(although the bad guy movie was Republican Senator)Kaiser was behind Tucker's problems.A very aggressive prosecutor name Otto Kerner,who strong ties the Democratic Chicago machine,indeed,Kerner himself would later become Governor of Illinois(and like so many Governors of Illinois he wind up going to jail)he went after Tucker with tooth and nail but at end of the day Tucker was acquitted but his company ruined.Kaiser company would eventfully would become American Motors and George Rommey(Mitt's father) would eventfully become it's Chairman and President,then Governor of Michigan and Presidential contender but like son Mitt he'll fall short. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bank of America profits up 63 percent.CSX moving more coal?

Bank of America profits up 63 percent,better than expected mainly due to cost cutting.Stock 14 lots of upside,I think a long term buy.
CSX traffic in coal all way up,much demand from electric utilities maybe Coal is making a comeback,despite the Obama administration war on Coal.If Coal is making a comeback Peabody Energy a good buy.Also like CSX anyone that follows this blog knows I love American railroads,CSX is only the railroad however that is shareholder friendly.
Uncle Ben is up on Hill today saying the era of cheap money ain't over,in short ran good for stocks,however maybe in long run inflation raises it's ugly head,but then again Lord Keynes said,in long run we are all dead.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

In the new Upstairs Downstairs is Lord Hallan A.K.A Baron Vansittart?

In the new T.V program Upstairs Downstairs is Lord Hallan A.K.A Baron Vansittart? In new Upstairs Downstairs the main character is Lord Hallan,an Aristocratic,a Diplomat who became the chief,number one civil servant of Foreign Office.Of course,Hallan is fictional character but he has a lot simlairs to Robert Gilbert Vansittart,1 Baron Vansittart who was an Aristocratic and Diplomat who 1930 became the permanent secretary of foreign office.
This was written about Vansittart in John Colville's book THE FRINGES OF POWER 10 DOWNING STREET DIARIES 1939-1955." Sir Robert Vansittart, made a peer by Churchill in 1941,was a striking intellectual ability,profound literary knowledge and poor judgment.He was made Permantent  under secretary when I join the foreign Office in 1937  and had established a high reputation at home and abroad.Indeed it was too high for his comfort ,Anthony Eden much dislike the general belief that Van was power behind the his throne and the real originator of all diplomatic intiatives.With the support Chamberlain who ,loke mostP.Ms,resented the Foreign Office Van was replace.
When Churchill came to power,Van doubtless hoped for renewed influece since he constantly warned of the German danger  in years before the war,but Churchill also dislike the  foreign office so Van never regain his power.    

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bloomberg T.V did two good story but left out punchline.

Bloomberg T.V did two good story but left the punchline.One was on restaurant business how it's doing well and growing but there(Betty Lu was reporter)mention what threat Obama care is to the industry.
Second there mention double standard for Ms.Dean(the butler queen) and Alec Baldwin.The promo said it was about sex but truth is Alec Baldwin gets away with much because he's big liberal.So can say studid bigot things and get away with it the media is blind to there bias.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The rails in North America oligopolies might turn into monopolies.

The rails in North American oligopolies might turn into monopolies.Today the railroad industry is basically regional oligopolies in North America.It seems Mr.Buffett wants his Burlington Northern Santa Fe to expand from western routes,maybe a partnership or merger with Canadian National Railway,or go east with CSX or Norfolk Southern or down to Mexico with Kansas City Southern.
Strange the antitrust movement started with Railroad but time plays it's game and nobody cares about monopolies anymore.
Dow reach all time high today.FED seems unlikely to stop printing money so stock should go up unless inflation raises it's ugly head.
Obama has summertime blues?
G.O.P doesn't know what to do about immigration.
Hot summer in Northern New Jersey,near New York City.
Heat makes wish I was in Scotland,wonder if they vote for independence from U.K.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Got a letter to the Editor published today.The paper is the Record(northern New Jersey)subject Lawyers ripping off the system

Got a letter to the Editor published today.The paper is the Record(northern New Jersey) the subject  is lawyer ripping off the system.
Here is the letter:"I see state Comptroller Matthew Boxer has issued a report sugesting that some municipal lawyers have been ripping off some towns.
The trouble is that too many people see government as an employment agency,especially for lawyers.Too many lawyers are involved with government,so more laws are made then are necessary.
According to the report,some lawyers have overcharged the municipalities and sometimes get paid for work that isn't done.The basic problem is that if we ask too much from government and government employs too many people,at the end of the day we get nothing from government,because the cupboard is bare."

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee     

Thursday, July 4, 2013

On this Fourth of July the great works of Thomas Paine when all seems lost in American Revolution.

Thomas Paine,in many ways was pain,but had greatness with pen and paper,although much his life he failure he had shinning movement,in the sun,penning his words for American Revolution.Indeed,when war was going bad for Americans,Paine penned these immortal words,in what called the "Crisis" he wrote,: "These are times that try men's souls.The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis,shrink from service of their country;but he that stands it now,deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.Trranny,like hell,is not easily conquered;yet we have this consolation with us,that the harder the conflict,the more glorious the triumph."  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Egyptian people are singing the old passover song,"Let my people go"

The Egytian people ironically are singing the old Passover song,"Let my people go" as they seek freedom from Muslim Brotherhood who seeks to enslave them forevermore.Shari'ah Law is a practice more suited for stoneage then modern life.The Muslim Botherhood is nothing more then thugs,who see world as it was a thousand years ago.There is sophistication in Egypt,for old pround culture,with many learned people that rejects the nonsense of the Muslim Brotherhood.And it maybe that sun of liberty with shine on the land Pharaohs.Land of long forgotten kingdoms,once a mighty power on land now world looks at crowds demending freedom and says,indeed,from darkness of past may be light of the future.