Saturday, July 27, 2013

Believe or not there was time when the U.S almost went to war with Great Britain for Venezuela rights.

Believe or not,there was time when the U.S almost went to with Great Britain for Venezuela rights.
Back in 1895 there was border dispute between Venezuela and British Guyana(which is part British Empire).British Guyana was claiming land of Venezuela rich with minerals and British government was threatening to send troops to occupy the land in dispute.To some peoples surprise President Cleveland put his presidency on the line,and said it was the U.S duty to resist every means in its power the expropriation of any land by Great Britian.He base this on the Monroe Doctrine.Now some were surprise because Cleveland's foreign policy was general one of being passive and non-infering,some cynically said his action were to get people's minds off panic of 1893(one worst economic downturns in U.S history)however,to fair to Cleveland he was anti-imperialist.
Anyway war fever it high pitch,mainly driven by a newspaper man William Randolph Hearst,the king of yellow journalism,although he didn't invent yellow journalism,that dubious honor goes to Joseph Pulitzer,who Hearst took on when brought the Journal whose circulation went up to 150,000 from 20,000 under Hearst.As time went on crys for war with Britain over Venezuela faded away and cry was for war with Spain over Cuba.
Also Britain had it's hands full with war  in South Africa so at end day the Venezuela land dispute was settle by boundary commission set up by President Cleveland. 

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