Wednesday, January 29, 2014

U.K economy up,France down,market down but some good signs in a perverse way.

The U.K had it's greatness growth in economy since 2007.Bank of England head(by the way his a Canadian) meet with the Scottish First Minister,who is support of Scottish independence.It's curious if Scotland becomes independent what currency will use the still the pound or Euro or something else?
France still in dumper,high unemployment a country that looks it's going nowhere.Maybe President of France needs a new girlfriend.
Japan had it's biggest trade deficit in history a cheap Yen might become cheaper.
The stock market in New York ain't in Super Bowl,down,down she goes but maybe good signs for market in perverse:one all cable business network are doing poor in rating,a sign disinterest in public,hence good for market for it's shoeshine boy give advice on market it's time to get out and velocity although raising is still small compared to 2008 vix was over 80 now it's 20 although today it roses two points.However interest are so low where are people put their money? Even FEd trapping will take long time other investment than to pay with higher interest.
Marathon Petroleum(a spin off from Marathon Oil) a refiner buck trend and had good day,it's strange in oil business it use to be upstream operation make money now downstream seems where the action is maybe because oil ain't going through the roof price seem steady.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cry for me Argentina.

Cry for me Argentina,for devaluation of your currency make stock market drop,hence,plenty of crying because of Argentina.But maybe YPF(an oil company) in Argentina just might made investors smile.A few weeks ago,Barron's did story on YPF,it minor headline was" YPF shale-oil and shale gas could be worth three times te stock's current quote.The Argentine government has a big stake in it success." Although it should be added President Cristina Kircher is a Maxist,I don't know if she is still the President(think she might has step aside temporarily because of health) but her party is still in power and rip off a Spanish company which owned part of YPF.
Venezuela a trouble land because Maxist rule:first toilet paper in short supply,now gasoline once so cheap government may raise prices.Maybe some day people learn the schools are full it(and don't smell too good or look to good) that Maxism works for common good,for it's hurts the weakness in society,indeed,Maxism is cancer on society.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Are Ron Paul people traitors?

I was watching Russian Times channel on T.V,of course,they are against the people of Ukraine who oppose Russian domination of their nation and oppose on set of dictatorship by their President.And had some guy from Ron Paul's organization blaming turmoil in the Ukraine on U.S and E.U.Now Putin wants to reestablish the old Soviet Union and of course the first step is to bring the Ukraine back in the fold.But people want freedom they want independent Ukraine but Ron Paul's people oppose freedom then they don't believe in America,indeed,they are traitors to America idea.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Putin on the blitz.

It wasn't that long ago Vladimir Putin had world eating out of his hand,now world just might bit his hand off.I mean,it wasn't that long ago,where putin pull rug under the West in Syria by saving Bashar al-Assad sorry ass.Now of course,there is bunch fools in Switzerland,no not Davos although god there is enough fools there too! But elsewhere in Switzerland trying work out sometime in Syria but it will come nothing for Assad ain't going nowhere.
Now Putin faces upheaval in the Ukraine,the pro Russian government there is in trouble maybe revolution in the air riots in Kiev and of course there is the winter Olympics this might be beginning of end for Putin.Someday we will learn how much Putin bribed the Olympic officials to have the Olympics in Southern Russian so the close terrorists.
It's no fun in Thailand those days either,riots shaky government big problems ahead.
French is trip with it's President,so many ladies might save big socialism doesn't work:too much government in economy,too high taxes,central planning always a burst.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today.

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today.The other day the New York Post front page story on de Blaso wife Chiriana McCray playing major part in his administration.This was my letter about that subject:"McCray has come front-and-center in this rogues gallery called the de Blaso
Decay will soon appear in city coffers,as this bunch of reds seeks to smooth society in the name of social justice.They're bent on the destruction of private wealth,and the city itself will become soulless.
They will drain the blood-commerce-from the city.Without blood,there is no life.The city will cease to be relevant economically not only across the nation,but the world.
The driving force of New York City has been capitalism,but now the ship is steered by a Marxist couple.

Gary Schwartz   

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hugo Black a liberal member of the KKK?

Hugo Black,a Associate Justice of Supreme Court from 1937 to 1971.When Franklin D. Roosevelt(FDR) nominated Hugo Black to the Supreme Court eyebrow were raised when it was learned he had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan(KKK).It might surprise people that in U.S Senate Black was firebrand liberal,although maybe populist would be more apropos.Many Southern politicians raved against Black people, Jews but also big corporation,indeed,Black name his name in Senate by destroying William Boeing,who not only founded the Boeing corp. but, in a way,was father of aviation industry,for example he introduced many novelties to airlines(he started what would later become United Airlines)included having two pilots,flying at night,stewardess and two way radio telephones.So what was his big crime? He made money,he was successful and although he was cleared of wrongdoing,seven years after Black started his investigation Boeing couldn't take the spotlight and people like Black saying he wasn't patriotic for was very much an American hero,but sold his stock in Boeing and went quietly into that good night.
Black always stated FDR didn't know he was member of Klan,however,on his death bed he admitted he told FDR who said,don't worry about it,I have lots of friend in that organization.Black was a big liberal on the bench and strong supporter of Civil Rights.   

Monday, January 13, 2014

Having a private shower in Paris is big deal.

I always thought Paris to be golden city,never been but there does seem to be a romance to the place,or at least how I picture it.And of course,one thinks the French know how to live and France is thought of as wealthy country and Paris being center France one want things we take granted in the United States,like bathroom with showers would commonplace in Paris but apparently not,i was watching on T.V European Journal and did story on many parisians go public place run by the state to take private showers,how barbaric thank God I live in U.S.A where poorest of poor have hot running water and bathrooms with showers.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Is the Spanish monarchy on the way out?

Watching French T.V,did story on how unpopular the Spanish monarchy has became,about the people want end to it and 70 percent want present King Juan Carlos to abdicate.Of course,Spain is a Constitutional Monarchy so king has no power,just head of state but hard times and Spain has gone through the ringing,25% unemployment people might think the high living of royal family is bit too much.There boom time was cause by building condominiums other housing for vacation homes for foreigners,mainly Brits I think,anyway when financial crises hard the whole come tumbling down.Now public is unhappy tough times brings that out so maybe Monarchy will go.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why do people know that C.I.A help bring the Shah to power but don't know the Soviet and British overthrow his father?

Why do people know that C.I.A help bring the Shah (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) to power in 1953;however,most don't know that Soviet Union and British overthrow his father(Reza Khan)in 1941?
The Shah father got overthrow because he was too close to Germany and Iran's oil was very important in war effort particularly for Soviet Union although British oil company(today BP) that owned or ran the oil industry in Iran.
In 1953 the cold war was front and centered,the monarchy in Iran since force abdication of Reza Khan in 1941 was weak,parliament ran the show and the Prime Minister Mosaddegh was too close to the Soviet Union.So C.I.A, and operation was headed by Theodore Roosevelt grandson,seek to power back in hands of Monarchy,hence,overthrowing Mosaddegh government.
The Shah despite public image,went on thirty year campaign to improve life in Iran,including increasing education,giving land to the poor,modernizing the country,but because he was Pro-American he never got credit for his good works and evil force back by the Left-wing phonies around world come to power.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows.For example because of President Obama's weak foreign policy in Mid-East it lead allies of sort between the Israelis and Sunni Muslim(mainly Saudi Arabia and Gulf States).For they see common enemy in Iran and unwillingness of Obama Government to stop Iran from getting nuclear bomb.And also Obama's policy of disengagement of Unite States from Mid-East and Russia seem more willing to fill the void.
Norway government sovereign wealth fund is going in business with Met Life.They have already bought Real Estate in Boston.
Is the Stock Market overbought? Who knows,the market has had hell run in 2013,the technicals look good but the economy although stronger and sign are good for growth,however,not that much and market has gone way up.