Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Putin on the blitz.

It wasn't that long ago Vladimir Putin had world eating out of his hand,now world just might bit his hand off.I mean,it wasn't that long ago,where putin pull rug under the West in Syria by saving Bashar al-Assad sorry ass.Now of course,there is bunch fools in Switzerland,no not Davos although god there is enough fools there too! But elsewhere in Switzerland trying work out sometime in Syria but it will come nothing for Assad ain't going nowhere.
Now Putin faces upheaval in the Ukraine,the pro Russian government there is in trouble maybe revolution in the air riots in Kiev and of course there is the winter Olympics this might be beginning of end for Putin.Someday we will learn how much Putin bribed the Olympic officials to have the Olympics in Southern Russian so the close terrorists.
It's no fun in Thailand those days either,riots shaky government big problems ahead.
French is trip with it's President,so many ladies might save big socialism doesn't work:too much government in economy,too high taxes,central planning always a burst.

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