Wednesday, April 30, 2014

America's problem with capitalism.

Believe or not,the great Capitalist country the United States of America these days seems to have a problem with capitalism,indeed,when heard government officials and their lapdogs in media blame the bad economy on the weather it remember one of old Soviet Union for that was favorite asuse for failures of the system.
Now Pfizer,born and breed in New York City,America's largest drug company is looking for way out.Why> Taxes,Pfizer has over 70 billion dollars oversea,if bring home it's taxed heavily so try to buy the drug company AstraZeneca and move there headquarters from New York City to London.Now think the new Mayor of New York would try do something so Pfizer wouldn't think of moving,however Mayor de Blasio who is socialist idiot, of course,New York City was built on capitalism.Alexander Hamilton must be turning over grave,for more than any other person he responsible for New York the great city it is by making first nation and the world's financial capital.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The American media treats women issues like a joke-upset that boys get more for allowance but silent on how Muslim treats women.

The American media(mostly made up of Left-wing air heads,except for Fox News which is made of Right-wing air heads)treats women issues like joke.Oh yes,the Today Show made big deal about boys getting more money for allowance,but real abuse of women that happen mostly in Muslim world the
America is silent.
Take the cowardly Brandels University,first offer an honorary degree to the Somalian who use to be a Muslim,become a member of the Dutch parliament,but had go into hiding because the liberal minded Muslim would kill her,her marry a great professor Neil Ferguson both teach at Harvard,but she still need protect from Muslim goons.Then under pressure Brandel took back invitation.
Then of course,in Iran Women are sentence to death for adultery,boy talk about your double standard,but the great double standard is what child gets more in allowance.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

David Einhorn says a bubble is coming to tech.

David Einhorn says bubble is coming to high tech.Of course,this same David Einhorn who shorted Green Mountain Coffee about 20 dollar a few years ago,today the stock is in 80's under a new name.Also Einhorn shorted the Mexican fast food place,a little upscale,and that stock took off and Einhorn admitted a mistake.
Heard the C.E.O of Norfolk Southern on Fox business news.He said more shipping traffic goes through Suez Canal today then the Panama Canal,which is expanding by won't finish until 2015.Big manufacturing increase in Vietnam and Malaysia,Mexico too and if fracking oil and gas big new energy resources for North America manufacturing will gain strength the steel industry is rebound in the U.S, tubing for energy industry Ohio has seen a rebirth of Steel industry.
Great line from Senator John McCain(the man that should been President) he said Russian is gas station masquerading as country.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Europe the new Japan?

Europe the new Japan? Japan once the China of it's day were the future laid,but last twenty years or so the Japanese has been doldrums.Now Europe's economy has been flat for many years too,although lately the U.K has shown promise with lower unemployment and inflation and of course Germany is alway strong.Both Europe and Japan have problem with aging population.Both are very dependent on Export,hence,a weak currency serve their economic interest.That is why Japanese stock market did well last lower interest rates leading to weak currency.Europe is likely follow with lowering interest and hoping the Euro drops against the dollar and FED buys less bond.Counties that hurt because FED policy mostly likely Turkey and South Africa and maybe Brazil,India and surprisely Peru look ok sound.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is Mr.Selfridge a socialist?

Is Mr.Selfridge a socialist? I was listening on radio to sport show Mike & Mike and they had in the Jeremy Piven,who plays Mr.Selfridge.He said in the U.K the show is on air on ITT network but America it's people's network meaning P.B.S. Well if mean people support network by donations that' one by if meant that it's government network then he's socialist.Because Socialists believe when the government owns something the people,however,the government and people aren't the same.For most of time,when government owns asset the people receive nothing,no dividend,they can't sell share in government owned corporation(assuming the government owns %100).No government ownership means often an elite ran the show.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A letter to editor I got published in the New York Post about despicable Al Sharpton.

This letter to editor I wrote,which pubished in New York Post on 4/11/14.This is what I wrote,"The Rev.Al Sharpton is like a cat with nine lives.
How does one explain this rather loathsome creature surviving,indeed,thriving after the Crown Heights riots,Freddie's Fashion Mart and the Tawana Brawley case,when his true colors were shown? He cares little for justice and doesn't believe in peace.
If most of us did the same deeds as the reverend,we've be behind bars today."  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wilbur Ross said 2016 to 2020 good years for bankrupcy.

Wilbur Ross,a smart guy great investor,know for turnarounds,picking dogs and making them bark.He looks for distress asset,on Fox Business News ask it's tough to find distress assets today.He said,until 2016 and all the way to 2020 then much debt comes due for companies.
On Bloomberg T.V today the chief economist for IMF was interviewed.Said something interest about Japan,said Japan is using fiscal policy and export to boost economy,however,that will only take you so far consumption must go up,curious because Japan has just raise it's V.A.T Tax from 5% to 8%.
Turkey and Indonesia could problem child for world economy.Russian growth may be less than one percent,Putin looked East and now people will pay the price.China may not reach 7% growth and people don;t trust there numbers anyway.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Crimean War

Of course,these are trying days, Crimea is much in the news.Russian is having it's way,as bullies do,and the peninsula is now Russian hands,bloody hands,unclean hands,but Putin has won.
Of course,a long time ago there was Crimean War,a bloody affair due to decaying Ottoman Empire(the Eastern Question) control over holy land(Russia had the guardship of the holy places.In 1852 France secured from Sultan Abdu-l-Medid certain privileges for Latin churches.Russian try to deal,under cut the deal with France,but Turkish government but under influence of British would have none of it.So in 1853 Russian occupyed  Moldava and Walachia, Turkey declared war.In March of 1854 with fleets already in Black Sea both England and France declared war on Russian.When Austria enter the war on Turkey's side the Russian evacuated Moldava and Waldava.The British capture Sevastopol but at a very high price (the charge of the light brigade)Russians as Brits were brave and foolish and at the end of day Russian lost,losing it's influence in South East Europe.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Felix Rohatyn the man that would be king perhaps got rid of one.

Felix Rohatyn probably forgotten by most,but in nineteen seventies he was mover and shaker,many said his man that save New York City from bankruptcy and less was he major player in biggest scandal of twenty century,the scandal that make Richard Nixon leave the Presidency.And alway struck me very strange that Left-wing Jew(many of that type hated Nixon)like Rohatyn,so how did he grain entree into the Nixon Administration.Believe or not,it was William Casey(yes the William Casey who was head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course Iran-Contra scandal)who introduce Rohatyn to Nixon.Of course,work in security industry,Rohatyn as investment banker at Lazard Freres (Lazard)and Casey as a lawyer and despite their differences in politics,the Jewish Democrat and the Catholic Republican became good friends-hey this is America.So when Nixon appointed Casey as Chairman of the SEC Rohatyn was invited to swearing ceremony and that's where he meet Nixon for first time.
At that time 1968 the stock market was in crises,one largest brokerages houses F.I DuPont,Glore Forgan & Co was going under.Rohatyn was appointed chairman of the Crisis Committee by the New York Stock Exchange.When Rohatyn meet Nixon,the President said to him I heard a lot good things about you.But Rohatyn told Nixon the problems at the Exchange were far from over.Nixon told Rohatyn to call John Mitchell(the A.G) every night to inform of situation.Rohatyn would call every night and invariably Marha(John's wife)would answer the phone roaring drunk.
So how did Rohatyn get involve with Watergate? ITT,Rohatyn was on board of directors for ITT because Lazard was biggest shareholder of ITT.Watergate started because antitrust suit against ITT.The deal was that suit would drop if ITT underwrote much of Republican Convention in 1972 and it was to be held in San Diego,but as scandal it would be moved to Miami.The problem was Richard McLaren,a hard noise who wouldn't go alone with deal he was head of anti-trust dept in justice dept.Nixon got rid him by making him a federal judge,believe or not,this was done by good office of Lawrence Wash(yes same person who later would become the special prosector for Iran-Contra,
It's curious thing,when Rohatyn was appointed chairman MAC,to save NYC from bankruptcy nobody raise questions about role in Watergate.And when one things of his politics nobody wonders whether or not,he was mastermind of coup?