Thursday, April 3, 2014

Felix Rohatyn the man that would be king perhaps got rid of one.

Felix Rohatyn probably forgotten by most,but in nineteen seventies he was mover and shaker,many said his man that save New York City from bankruptcy and less was he major player in biggest scandal of twenty century,the scandal that make Richard Nixon leave the Presidency.And alway struck me very strange that Left-wing Jew(many of that type hated Nixon)like Rohatyn,so how did he grain entree into the Nixon Administration.Believe or not,it was William Casey(yes the William Casey who was head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course Iran-Contra scandal)who introduce Rohatyn to Nixon.Of course,work in security industry,Rohatyn as investment banker at Lazard Freres (Lazard)and Casey as a lawyer and despite their differences in politics,the Jewish Democrat and the Catholic Republican became good friends-hey this is America.So when Nixon appointed Casey as Chairman of the SEC Rohatyn was invited to swearing ceremony and that's where he meet Nixon for first time.
At that time 1968 the stock market was in crises,one largest brokerages houses F.I DuPont,Glore Forgan & Co was going under.Rohatyn was appointed chairman of the Crisis Committee by the New York Stock Exchange.When Rohatyn meet Nixon,the President said to him I heard a lot good things about you.But Rohatyn told Nixon the problems at the Exchange were far from over.Nixon told Rohatyn to call John Mitchell(the A.G) every night to inform of situation.Rohatyn would call every night and invariably Marha(John's wife)would answer the phone roaring drunk.
So how did Rohatyn get involve with Watergate? ITT,Rohatyn was on board of directors for ITT because Lazard was biggest shareholder of ITT.Watergate started because antitrust suit against ITT.The deal was that suit would drop if ITT underwrote much of Republican Convention in 1972 and it was to be held in San Diego,but as scandal it would be moved to Miami.The problem was Richard McLaren,a hard noise who wouldn't go alone with deal he was head of anti-trust dept in justice dept.Nixon got rid him by making him a federal judge,believe or not,this was done by good office of Lawrence Wash(yes same person who later would become the special prosector for Iran-Contra,
It's curious thing,when Rohatyn was appointed chairman MAC,to save NYC from bankruptcy nobody raise questions about role in Watergate.And when one things of his politics nobody wonders whether or not,he was mastermind of coup?

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