Sunday, November 30, 2014

In France could the new boss be the same as the old boss?

In France could the new be the same as the old boss? Is next President of France Sarkozy? He just win his party's leadership,next step President? President of France today is Socialist Francois Hollande,who beat Sarkozy when he ran for re-election,however,since then Hollande has become very unpopular and he's learn there big difference between theory and reality(what a concept).

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Ted Cruz insane?

They say if do same things over and over again and get same result,and not good that's definition of insanity.If that's the case then Ted Cruz is insane.The other he said,the G.O.P shouldn't afraid to shut down the government.Well,they done twice before and both times it backfired,indeed.the first government shut down most likely saved Bill Clinton's Presidency.
Yeah,phony journalist like Byron York,who is ready a toady for the meshugge(Yiddish for crazy)Right.He will go on Fox and Right-Wing radio talk shows and say that shutting down government isn't bad idea and won't hurt the hurt the G.O.P but that's lie,indeed,the Left praying for Right to do stupid like shutting down the Government or impeaching Obama.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Under Socialism the people don't own the assets the State does it ain't the same thing.

Under Socialism the people don't own the assets the State does it ain't the same thing.Just like there is difference between having a job and working.Yes if you are working you have a job,but the reality(what a concept) is you can have job and not work,it happens all time and when the State creates a job with no work,it not only causes economic problem,but in effect hides them for there is no difference between having a phony job and being on welfare or the dole,another work depending on the state for financial support,indeed,it's more honest for sociality to have people getting payments from state in form of welfare then having phony jobs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Syrian refugees problem for Greece.

Watching one those cable station,a foreign one(maybe French Chinese or Russian or maybe international CNN) nothing on this story,Greece being flooded by Syrian refugees on America News Networks.Anyway saw story of Syrian refugees bedding,with sleeping bags,down in front of the Greek parliament building,not sight welcoming a trouble country near with not broke,they can't help there own,no money in the till,how can handle an influx of Syrians? I mean,it's sad story for Syrian, I heard one woman tell that they took a ship,costing them $5000 dollars for Turkey to Greece.These Syrians are people now without a country and getting not much news coverage.
It's shows what blow hearts these Right-wing talk show host in America are for either there liers or misinformed,for constantly say the U.S is only country that people across a border which is laxes,but not true as we see with Greece and much of Europe.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Goldman Sachs very upbeat!

This morning on Bloomberg T.V they had Goldman Sachs's chief economist,a foreign guy,very nerdy looking guy,I think German.anyway said 2015 should a good year.Hopefully he's right.
I am nerious about Stock Market,everyday it goes higher and higher because I think interest rates so low and good old U.S,A just might be the only safe haven around.The chief economist for Goldman Sach did say the strong dollar would be a drag on the U.S economic,however,lower oil price should mitigating factor,henceforth,the strong dollar matched by lower oil price should be a wash on the economic.

Newsbreak Mr.Midwest(Chuck Hagel) is out!

Chuck Hagel,former Senator from Nebraska soon to be former Defence Sec.On Fox Business news this I heard Hagel is out! Hagel very much a child of Midwest loves America,however,strong isolationist tendency.
Hagel was born,in heartland,Nebraska his father died when he was 16,hence,burden of being head male of family fall on him He dropout college to support his family became a D.J on radio station.Along with brother he volunteered for army to go to Vietnam(1967-1968).After that he worked as newscaster and talk show host in Nebraska from 1969-1971,then worked for Congressman John McCollister from 1971-1977,then lobbyist for Firestone,then work in Veterans Admin,in the Reagan Admin then went business and U.S Senator elect in 1996.Ally of McCain but later broke away relationship damage also with G.O.P although never left(even though he become Left)the party.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Clarence Thomas just had one accuser yet he got the mark of Cain.

As we see disillusion of an American icon,Bill Cosby as sexaul miscreant nobody mention Clarence Thomas and how mark of Cain was put upon him,despite the fact he had only one accuser,which doesn't fit the pattern of sexaul miscreant,Cosby does,henceforth,many woman(curiously all White) have come of wood work stating they were rape by Cosby and there stories are pretty much the same.
So why did so many tar and feather Thomas when he didn't fit the pattern? Politics for one,but also he thought for himself ,many believe it isn't proper for Black man to think the way Thomas did.How outrage but many liberals ain't!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Obama policies hurt the poor.

Got a letter to the editor published today (11/19/14) in the Record(the largest paper in Northern New Jersey).The headline the paper give to my letter was,"Obama policies hurt the Poor" and showed a picture of Obama.This is what appear in the paper,"Regarding"GOP didn't win on the issue"(a previous letter,that appeared on 11/17/14, to the editor,my letter in part was responding to):"I don't know what planet the writer lives on,but it ain't this one.He fails to understand that we live in a time of great economic angst,in part because of President Obama's trickle-down economic policies.
That program has nothing to do with tax policy,but rather with monetary policy.The Federal Reserve policy of just about zero interest rates,in effect ,gives money to the rich.Henceforth,the stock market goes up and up,but ordinary people cannot save money because interest are so low.So wages go down and down.Henceforth,we see a dramatic tranfer of wealth as the rich getricher,the poor get poorer and middle class disappears."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lewis Strauss the Jew who stabbed in back by the Jewish establishmet because he was an American patriot.

Lewis Strauss the Jew who was stabbed in the back by the Jewish establishment because he was an American patriot.Who was Lewis Strauss? A name now long forgotten,but back 1950's he was sore point to the America Left,because he worked hard,as Chairman of the U.s Atom Enerty commision,to revolve security clearance for Robert Oppenheimer.The Left's payback came when the U.S Senate voted 49 to 46 to reject Strauss appointed to be Sec,of Commerce a postion he was qualified for;after all,he had been a businessman,a financier,indeed,he was associated with Kuhn Loeb& Co. since 1919 and become partner in 1929 untill 1946 when resigned.In a sense it's not unlike what happen to Nixon with watergate.Nixon exposed Alger Hiss as Communist he was,henceforth,watergate was payback from the Left.
Now strange thing with Strauss's defeat was many anti-semites wanted him to go down to defeat, but so did many in Jewish establishment,indeed,politics makes for strange bedfellows.For many Jews,not all and not so much today,believed wrongly that the holocaust was cause by Christians to wipe out the Jews.But truth is Nazism had nothing to do with Christianity,but rather glorification of Germany Race and State,the irony here is Communism also glorified the State,yet during that time many Jews saw Soviet Union as friend of Jews,proving Jews when it comes to politics aren't very bright.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Is George H. W. Bush making a comeback?

Is George H.W Bush making a comeback? Class is class and elder Bush has class(so does his son).a few months ago CNN did program 41 on 41,41 people who knew 41(the elder Bush) told stories about this stateman.One that surprise me was Gabe Pressman,a liberal Jew for years Mr.Media for New York City.While Gabe told story of a piece that appear in New York magazine named the ten most underated people in New York.Both Pressma and Bush named list.At this time Bush was our ambassador to U.N and living at the Waldorf Astoria.Well,Bush invited the nine others that make the list to party in his home at the Waldorf Astoria.Pressman and Bush have remain friends over years,to point where Bush felt comfortable and Pressman took in right sprites,when Bush was Vice-President he sent Pressman note about the party and wrote while most of us didn't deserve the honor you most definitely did.
Of course,this week George W. Bush(the younger) has wrotten book on his dad.He's been all over air waves,it's loving book puts to shame Oliver Stone movie W,which a bunch of bull,but what expect Stone,since he uaually is,stoned that is.The Bush's are classic act,real patriots!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Is Tom Brokaw a liar? Is Glenn Beck the new Morton Downey?

Is Tom Brokaw a liar or does he just play one on T.V? Brokaw was asked why the Dems did so bad in last election? His answer was Obama was being hammer 24/7 by Fox News.He seem to forget his network and the two major network and New York Time and Washington Post hammer George Bush,and Republicans 24/7.But this isn't lie,he went on say some radio talk show in the midwest said something about Obama supports and excrement.The tale tell sign that he was lying is he didn't know the person name:also it show him a bit of snob and ashamed of his roots,again the tell tale sign was the midwest,obviously he thinks people from mid-west of bigots,curious since he was born South Dakota,but he's been in rarefied air of media world(places like L.A and Manhattan) so long,and grown rich there(worth 70 million) that he looks down on his roots.
Is Glenn Beck the new Morton Downey? Remembering Morton Downey late 1980's before Rush was raising star of Right-wing had T.V show;however it all come a tumbling down when expose as a fake when he claim Nazis shave his head and beat him up in a San Francisco airport.Glenn Beck now claims he has mysterious disease.To me it sounds phony and if it is and exposed will he have same fate as Morton Downey?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Give the devil his due.

Give the devil(Putin) his due for he understands politics far more than Obama.He understands politics is drama it's what makes history.That is why he is eating Obama's lunch in the Asia summit.

I got a letter to the editor published today in the NY Post on Reagan winning the Cold War.

I got a letter to the editor published today(11/11/14) in the New York Post on Reagan winning the Cold War! It's under general headline REMEMBERING THE WALL,and this is what appear of my writing in the New York Post today:"Despite what sophisticated simpletons and the Left-wing conformists say,Communism went down to defeat because of Ronald Reagan.
Indeed,when a war is won without firing a bullet,that's a pretty remarkable thing and was done by a remarkable man.There is a mystique about Reagan that goes unnoticed by our stupid media and academia."

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Nazi proved Gays were good fighters.

Believe or not,in a world turned upside down,in the beginning the Nazi party heart and soul was dominated by Gays.For Ernst Rohm veracious homosexual,was in early years almost number two number in the Nazi.He was ahead of the S.A(later the it would become S.S) the Nazi bully boys who terorist opponents and much of S.A was make of Gays.Often with fail bodies,but toughness and meanness,that lead butial force,indeed,there appear was bedeviling.But as Hitler gain power he seek a respectable from Germany society,so knew he had to rid Rohem,despite being good friends with him and Rohm was one of Hitler earliest supported they were very close(although I don't think sexually).
So after the night of long knives in 1934 Rohm arrested and many month later was killed,Hitler had hoped he would commit suicide but to Hitler's chagrin he didn't, hence, Hitler had him killed.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is wrong again!

Listening to Rush Limbaugh's show this afternoon,just after noon,he properly castrated the Democrats for using the race card in the South,but then showed himself to be an ignorant slob when he said the only member of KKK was Democrat Sheets(Robert) Byrd.Wrong! Yes,most if not all members of KKK, and there have been many, who served in Congress were Democrats and most famous was not Byrd,but rather,was Associated Justice Hugo Black,who before becoming a judge on Supreme Court have been a Senator from Alabama and yes he had been a member of KKK which did become an issue during his confirmation hearing.Black sworn up and down President Franklin Roosevelt(FDR) didn't know he had been a member of the KKK;however, on his death bed Black amitted he told FDR and Roosevelt told him not worry about it for had many friend in that organiztion.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Karl Rove and George W. Bush understood something Rush Limbaugh will never get.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't get the country is moving to the Left.Largely because of a aging population,the conservatives of eighties are now facing old age and want their medicare and Social Security.Rove and Bush understood this,this why they push throw a prescription drug program for medicare and the Right howled,not understanding how the country has change,old people want government to paid their bills,yes they maybe culturally conservatives,but fear of eating dog food and living on street has turn them Left.Yes,the Republicans will win big on Tuesday,but giving them relief before slaughter that comes 2016 unless they change from high Limbaugh right to appeal to the old folks,who like government largess.