Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lewis Strauss the Jew who stabbed in back by the Jewish establishmet because he was an American patriot.

Lewis Strauss the Jew who was stabbed in the back by the Jewish establishment because he was an American patriot.Who was Lewis Strauss? A name now long forgotten,but back 1950's he was sore point to the America Left,because he worked hard,as Chairman of the U.s Atom Enerty commision,to revolve security clearance for Robert Oppenheimer.The Left's payback came when the U.S Senate voted 49 to 46 to reject Strauss appointed to be Sec,of Commerce a postion he was qualified for;after all,he had been a businessman,a financier,indeed,he was associated with Kuhn Loeb& Co. since 1919 and become partner in 1929 untill 1946 when resigned.In a sense it's not unlike what happen to Nixon with watergate.Nixon exposed Alger Hiss as Communist he was,henceforth,watergate was payback from the Left.
Now strange thing with Strauss's defeat was many anti-semites wanted him to go down to defeat, but so did many in Jewish establishment,indeed,politics makes for strange bedfellows.For many Jews,not all and not so much today,believed wrongly that the holocaust was cause by Christians to wipe out the Jews.But truth is Nazism had nothing to do with Christianity,but rather glorification of Germany Race and State,the irony here is Communism also glorified the State,yet during that time many Jews saw Soviet Union as friend of Jews,proving Jews when it comes to politics aren't very bright.

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