Saturday, February 14, 2015

Can Rand Paul and Marine La Penn do what JFK did separate temsleve from there father?

When John Kennedy ran for President he had an asset and liability in his father. John Kennedy would have never been President for not for his father. For not only did his father provide unlimited amounts of money to his son's quest to be President, but also he used many connections though his years as businessman of political bosses and even gangster, who shall we say could create votes!
On the other hand, Joe Kennedy was a liability: first as businessman he made a lot money but question were raised abut his ethics(that is if businessman have ethics.) It reminds me of story about a joke about Franklin Roosevelt, two men are taking about FDR being traitor to his class: one said, FDR was really a traitor to his class; after all, he was gentleman not a businessman. Second problem with Joe Kennedy he was somewhat sympathetic to the Nazi, henceforth, the belief that was anti-Semitic, with La Penn you can multiple that problem ten fold for her father was almost a Nazi himself, Rand can't escape that problem either.     

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