Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Is there a cover up dealing with the German co-pilot who crash the plane?

Is there a cover up dealing with the German co-pilot who crash the plane? I don't know but story of mental illness causing him to crash plane is hard to believe. In West we don't like to point finger at
Muslim crazies, which makes you think who are crazy ones? These people want kill us yet we afaid to call them out why? Even the President of the United States doesn't want to condemn these Muslim crazies for terror they cause. What is wrong with us? If we don't combative this evil in most extreme way Western Civilization may not survive!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Did Senator Cruz forget the Alamo?

Senator Cruz announce his Presidential bid(talk about quixotic effort)at Liberty University the school
started by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell.
I don't think( usually it leads to headaches) that was such a good choice, the Alamo setting would been a great place to sent a message that race until death.
Big news in the financial world the merger between Kraft and Heinz icon brands. Maybe more merger with food companies: Campbell Soup(America icon brand and undervalued) Kellogg,General Mills and ConAgra from Nebraska so is Buffett. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy.

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy and I'm loving it. For the Jew geniuses with there Left-wing conformity have treated me like I was a nothing. because I didn't do well in school, didn't have a great job and didn't follow the company line. For didn't believe in theory of the Yiddish head(it's German or Yiddish word for head but I can't spell it I have dyslexia and this computer outlet does do the job) something my mother believe in that Jews were smarter. Of course, this is great query for Jewish people what is meant by the chosen people? A term I hate but for people like mother it meant Jews were more likely to be in high position, make more money then the rest because they were gifted. What nonsense! The reality is we all have strengths and weakness and we should march to our own drum beat not what society says we should march too! If your not individual just a member of a group you have no soul!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I got a letter to editor published today (3/19/15) in the New York Post about the Clinton Obama feud.

Here is how my letter to editor in the New York Post appeared in the paper today:" It was very fitting that on the Ides of March- the day Julius Caesar was murdered by his friends- The Post's front page exposed the feud between the Clintons and the Obamas("Bam's Judas Kiss" Ed Klein, March 15).
 The dislike runs deep, indeed. It got no notice, but at the 50th anniversary of the march in Selma for voting rights, the ceremony was led by Obama and former President George W. Bush was there. But where were the Clintons? Maybe they didn't get the e-mail."     

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News on 3/14/15 on how any deal with Iran must be approve by the U.S Senate.

This is what appear in the New York Daily News on 3/14/15 of my letter. " The Daily News used the headline " Traitors for the Republican senators who wrote a letter to Tehran and informed the Iranians that any deal done by executive order can be undone by another President.But was it treason or patriotism? I think the latter! The President's use of an executive order, instead of a treaty, for a deal is overreach. A treaty would require a two-thirds vote of the Senate to approve it and knows he's not going to get it so he violates the Constitution instead. The senators who wrote the letter believe in checks and  balances- and also that the President has overstepped his authority."    

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fear of rasing interest rates lead the market down

Economics must be the science of dismay for good news leads to a stock market going down because fear of rasing interest rates. I don't think the FED will rise rates in June. No I think it's not until the Presidential  race is over in 2016.
Saw Wilbur  Ross on Fox business news today his investing in Germany. Believes the lower EURO is good for Germany which does make since Germany lives off it's exports.
Chevon boss said a Strong dollar makes doing business overseas cheaper. But think a strong would hurt America companies doing business oversea because the local currency is worth less leading less revenue coming in. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why doesn't Nina Pham sue God?

I read in newspaper that Nina Pham, the nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for  Thomas Duncan(who died) from West Africa, has filed a lawsuit against the hospital she work in. Why the hospital? Why not Obama who let in the U.S  Duncan from West Africa/ Or sue West Africa? Or maybe God ? I mean, isn't God to blame for Ebola?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Got a letter to the editor in the NY Post on 2/14/15 about Brian Williams and Bob Simon.

This is what I wrote that appeared in the paper(New York Post) in the letter to the editor section : " In the last few days, we have seen the death of a real newsman Bob Simon and the demise of a phony one- not Jon Stewart, but Brain Williams.
 One difference between Simon and Williams is when Simon reported a story, it was about the story, not him. Simon was a journalist who did not seek celebrity. On the other hand , Williams is a joke-seeking celebrity. But he was a cruel joke, a bad egg. 
 One wonders how a man like Williams with no character rose so high in media? But it is good to know there are those like Bob Simon who had a high position in the media, proving the media  isn't totally the devil's brew."