Friday, March 20, 2015

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy.

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy and I'm loving it. For the Jew geniuses with there Left-wing conformity have treated me like I was a nothing. because I didn't do well in school, didn't have a great job and didn't follow the company line. For didn't believe in theory of the Yiddish head(it's German or Yiddish word for head but I can't spell it I have dyslexia and this computer outlet does do the job) something my mother believe in that Jews were smarter. Of course, this is great query for Jewish people what is meant by the chosen people? A term I hate but for people like mother it meant Jews were more likely to be in high position, make more money then the rest because they were gifted. What nonsense! The reality is we all have strengths and weakness and we should march to our own drum beat not what society says we should march too! If your not individual just a member of a group you have no soul!

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