Saturday, April 11, 2015

A letter to the editor I got pubished in the Record on 4/9/15 on Rand Paul

On 4/9/15 a letter to the editor I wrote was published in the Record(the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Rand Paul. This is what appear in the paper" Regarding "Paul enters race, focuses on angry voters (Page A-7, April 8):
Rand Paul has declared for president, but the question is, in what direction would take the country?
Would he be a supporter of the people or a modern day Paul Revere warning us that the " the bureaucracies are coming, the bureaucracies are coming?
Still, it is foreign policy that might lead Paul astray. Does he represent the old Republican Party of Ohio Sen. Robert Taft, an isolationist, or the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan, which was one of the most successful in America history and the antithesis of Taft's?
I also wonder if Paul would throw his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, under the proverbial bus. If that happens, Rand Paul will have no direction home, but he just might have a path that leads to the White House.

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