Friday, May 29, 2015

U.S economy lost gain in lastest report G.D.P drop .07 is a recession coming?

The U.S economy, in last reporting revision shown the G.D.P drop .07,that's a lot almost one percent add that to fact Switzerland G.N.P also drop and so did Sweden which has negative interest rates. Maybe monetary policy ain't the answer to economic blues. One wonder if another recession is around the corner. The U.K economy seems better off then most and that's why Tories win a big victory in election. Greece I think will push out of the E.U. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chineses say there currency is fairly value

Chinese say there currency is fairly valued because they want to be a reserve currency which would mean they made the big time, no longer a small player in world economy scene. But to me there currency seem cheap, undervalued a Yuan is valued last I look at .16 cent per dollar. The U.S Government also thinks the Yuan is undervalued, indeed, with fast track trade bill, many were against because the Yuan is seem as undervalue, meanwhile, the Chinese stock market is going though the roof.
Vice-Chairman of FED Fisher said today interest may go up and U.S Market went down. Fisher is Israeli, indeed, for many years he head the Israeli central Bank, got high make for his leadership. President Obama appointed him to the FED as vice-chairman, which means he's head of the New York FED, which buys and sells the securities, which is main way the FED manipulates the money supply. It should be noted that Fisher's appointed have to be approved by the Senate. Also in the U.K the head of the Bank of England is a Canadian.
The money supply is control by reserve requirements and banks in the U.S have what's called FED Funds, which are overnight loans from bank that have more cash in hand than is needed by the reserve requirements to bank short of cash to meet requirements. The rate tells much of the monetary policy, low rates on FED FUND says the FED has easy monetary policy, a high rate is a sign of tight money. Today the FED FUNDS rate is almost zero I think it's around 0.25.        

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Rockefeller not so happy today.

Happy Rockefeller not so happy today for she died. Today I wonder how many people know the name Happy Rockefeller or what big deal her marriage to Nelson was, how different times are today but 50 years to marriage of Nelson Rockefeller and Happy derailed Nelson dreams of going to White House. For Nelson and Happy had extramarital affair and Happy divorced her husband Dr. Murphy( life long friend of Nelson and Rockefeller family) and in 1964(when Rocky was running for President, Happy  divorce Dr. Murphy in 1963) was non-starter in politics.    

Chris Cuomo hate speech is protected by the First Amendment.

According to Megyn Kelly, Chris Cuomo a CNN newsman, a lawyer and brother to the Governor of New York, had posted the First Amendment doesn't protect hate speech, people should read it. Well, the First Amendment states, Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. That what it says,indeed, the First Amendment was meant to protect unpopular speech, like hate speech, after all, popular speech doesn't need protection. If it is true Cuomo posted that what idiot he is and how did become lawyer? Maybe last name?   

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wages up in the U.K and France and Italy outperform Germany.

Latest economy news from Europe: wages up the U.K G.N.P grow stronger  in France and Italy (which might be pulling out of it's recession) then Germany.
China wants banks to cut interest rates, however, also want higher capital tier one rates like so many governments the policy wants two different things: banks to lend out more, however also tie banks hand by demand a higher amount of capital be kept by the bank-the U.S has same policy as do many other counties.
Until last few days much talk that Germany bond would have negative yield. I believe no matter the
rush to safety negative rates ain't going cut it with investor. With low interest rate stocks are best game in town, a good stock can pay more then interest or bond in yield and if company has good balance sheet, grows earnings, pays out less then 50 percent in earning, then that stock will increase dividends over years and you yield will be greater then today.
Bank of England head, who is Canadian, says interest rates will be raise very slowly and with due care.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Scots must be drinking too much there own produce and is the Tory victory in the UK election a pyrrhic victory?

The Scots must be drinking too much of there own produce and is the Tory victory in the U.K election a pyrrhic victory?
In the realm of England land, the UK election must be trifling disconcerting, yes a great victory for Tories, which is good for the U.K, however, in the land of John Knox and Adam Smith the with election results alarm bells go off and the question is will the U.K survive? For movement of Scottish independence  is now cloudy, perhaps dark are ahead for the U.K, ironically just a few months ago the referendum for Scottish independence was soundly defeated, yet after Thursday's election the Scottish Nationalist Party(SNP) won 56 of 59 seats, Scotland was strong hold of the Labor Party, before the election the SNP had only 3 seat most were Labor a few were the Liberal-Social Democrats. The Liberal-Social Democrats were wired out losing around forty seats good by Nick Clegg, good by Liberal-Social Democrats? That was a merger between the Liberals which date back a long time, indeed, they were old Whigs, around World War One the party how fights between leader and never recovered. The Social Democrats were form in the 1970's from the Labor Party. The Social Democrat felt Labor was weak against the Soviet Union.
I wonder what's up with Scots?          

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tomorrow the U.K election could lead to a mess.

Tomorrow the Brits go to the polls, will David Cameron be able to form a government? I think the Tories will have most seat but will enough form government or partner like last with Liberal Democrats, who think will lose a lot seats and if they do will Nick Clegg stay as leader or is another 1915 break up party coming? In 1915 the Liberal Party was in power had revolt where H.H Asquith ,the Prime Minster at the time he replaced by David Lloyd George and Liberal never recovered. If the liberal Democrats loses many maybe somebody like Vince Cable, now President of the Broad could become new leader if Cameron need partner maybe some Liberal Democrats would join him in government, maybe he makes a deal with UKIP or maybe DUP. If Labor wins do make a deal with SNP?
Because of Liberal Democrats joining  the Tories in last government there was Constitutional charges like fix terms which could lead to mess if hung parliament.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The man from Hope was impressive, but not Bill.

The man from Hope was impressive, but not Bill, Mike Huckbee is man of the hour.His great communicated for example as throw his hat in the ring he come up with great line he said,"the Supreme Court isn't the supreme being". Also take dips at Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush without mention there names.Problem for Huckbee is he help let prison a guy went on tto Washington State and killed police office. But uckbee is very likeable and draw support beyond his base.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

We should be weary of nuclear deal with Iran- just look what hapen with Ukraine.

We should be weary of nuclear deal with Iran-just look what happen with Ukraine. The Ukraine agree to give up it's nuclear weapons with the break up the Soviet Union and in return the United States and  the UK give security assurance to the Ukraine to kept it's independence- it was called Budapest Memorandum so much for that just look at Crimea!