Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tomorrow the U.K election could lead to a mess.

Tomorrow the Brits go to the polls, will David Cameron be able to form a government? I think the Tories will have most seat but will enough form government or partner like last with Liberal Democrats, who think will lose a lot seats and if they do will Nick Clegg stay as leader or is another 1915 break up party coming? In 1915 the Liberal Party was in power had revolt where H.H Asquith ,the Prime Minster at the time he replaced by David Lloyd George and Liberal never recovered. If the liberal Democrats loses many maybe somebody like Vince Cable, now President of the Broad could become new leader if Cameron need partner maybe some Liberal Democrats would join him in government, maybe he makes a deal with UKIP or maybe DUP. If Labor wins do make a deal with SNP?
Because of Liberal Democrats joining  the Tories in last government there was Constitutional charges like fix terms which could lead to mess if hung parliament.

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