Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Through Donald Trump we are seeing the re-birth of the Know Nothing movement

Though Donald Trump we are seeing the re-birth of the Know Nothing movement.
Since American History isn't really taught in schools anymore, I should explain what the Know Nothing Party was: in 1840's many eastern cities like New York saw a massive influx of immigrants, mostly Irish Catholics, and while Democratic Party, for most part, welcome these immigrants, a good deal of population feared and resented these immigrants, hence, secret societies were formed to promote nativism. It got the name know nothing because when people asked who were they members, the respond was they know nothing.
Well the secret societies come out of the wood work to form the American Party. There main platform was only native Americans ( and they didn't mean Indians) should hold office and there should be a 25 year residency requirement for coming a citizen.
At first the party took off like wild fire, in 1854 it almost capture New York and win in Massachuetts and Delaware and it look like they would pick up the pieces from the dissolving Whig Party, however, what destroyed the Whig Party ironically would do the same to the American Party too! And that was slavery!
In 1855 a Southern faction seized control of the American Party and a resolution passed calling, for maintenance of slavery. Well, this just undid the American Party, for it was made up of many anti-slave men, who left the Party and join the newly formed Republican Party. Despite running a former President Millard Fillmore in 1856, the party ran a poor third and in reality it was the beginning of end of the American Party.       

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