Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bye-bye Export-Import Bank bye-bye American jobs.

Bye-bye Export-Import Bank bye-bye American jobs. Both Left and Right wanted to end the Export-Import Bank and got way now big business like GE are creating overseas  that once was meant for American.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Got a letter to the Editor published today in the New York Post on Pope Francis

Got a letter to the editor published today (9/26/15) in the New York Post on Pope Francis. This is what appear in the paper: Many Catholics on the right might see Pope Francis as an apostate. And even though I'm not a Catholic, or even a Christian for that matter, I feel I'm a fish in uncharted waters. That said, two out of three liberal positions Francis  has taken are consistently within Catholic dogma.
Yes, Francis should cool it with global warming , but on income inequality and immigration the Pope's positions are in line with Catholic values."

Friday, September 25, 2015

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on. Who was Charles Halleck? A congressman from Indian become part Republican leadership in the House was majority leader in 1953 to 1955 then become minority leader from 1955 to 1965. In 1965 after getting wipe by Johnson-Goldwater presidential election of 1964 there was coup by Gerald Ford,Melvin Laird and Charles Goodell. Hallack was sack as minority leader and replaced by Gerald Ford.
I's interesting leadership for House Republicans oftens lead to coups:Hallack in 1965,Gingrich lost his speakership over a coup and now John Boehner.Now for President usually the next line gets the nomination, not true for 2016, but in 2012 Romney finished twice in 2008 so go it in 2012,McCain second in 2000 gets in 2008, Dole ran much for President second in 1988 gets in 1996,Bush of course Reagan Vice-President and ran second in 1980,Reagan ran second 1976 and gets in 1980 and goes on and on.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Got a letter to the editor publish on 9/21/15 about whether or not Reagan would welcome today's G.O.P

On 9/21/15 got letter to the editor published in the Record( the largest paper in Northern New Jersey)
in respond to a piece,"Room for Reagan in this race? written by Record Columnist Charles Stile.
This is what appeared in the paper:" Kudos to Record Columnist Charles Stile, for the ghost of Ronald Reagan cries out to his party to reach out to the new America and win elections.
Reagan put a human face on conservatism.With the disgrace of the bellicose Republican senator from Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy and with conservatism opposition to civil rights in the form of U.S Sen. Barry Goldwater conservatism was almost dead in the water.
But it rose again like a phoenix because of new ideas from people like Milton Friedman and an attractive, upbeat man like Reagan.
I don't think there would be room for Reagan in today's Republican Party. Those on far right seem to dominate all political discourse on the Republican side.
Just compare Donald Trump's grotesque words about Mexico with Reagan's response to a question about why there were not more Hispanic Republicans. His response was that there are, but they just don't know it yet.  

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Believe or not, the man behind the New Deal economics was a Republican.

Believe or not, the man behind the New Deal economics was a Republican. Marriner Eccles who was chairman FED from 1934 to 1945,fired by Harry Truman but stay on until his term as FED governor expired in 1948. Eccles was not only Republican, but come from in richest families in West( I believe his family still owns Zion Bank) and also he was Mormon.He believe deceit spending, more spending on walfare, and taxing the rich.
I think in 1954 he try to become the Senator from Utah, however, because he was tried to F.D.R the G.O.P denied him the nomination.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Who was Edward Coke?

Who was Edward Coke? Well, he wasn't coke head, rather,in a sense, a defender of Liberty.He was judge in England in 1600's who really come up with idea of judicial review to defend people against the crown and church.Now in the U.S the doctrine of judicial review was establish by Chief Justice John Marshall in Mayberry v. Madison.
Now an independent Judiciary is key to free society because it protects one from State and it's were unpopular people and cause can find justice. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bernie does Liberty.

Bernard Sanders today(ironically on first day of Rosh Hashanah) spoke at Liberty Univ. at Lynchburg, Va. ( the school started by Jerry Falwell and now his son Jerry Falwell Jr is the President). Kudos to both of them Falwell and Sanders. Class is rare in politics. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A letter to the editor I got published in New Yo0rk Post on 9/12/15 on James Blake treatment by a cop.

Yesterday( not a day of infamy) I got a letter publish in the New York Post about James Blake outrageous treatment form cop.This is what appear in the paper: " Are brains in short supply in the New York Police Department? Why was James Blake put to ground in handcuffs?
If police thought he committed a crime, why not pull him aside and ask him questions?
Thugs shouldn't be on a police force."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Walls can not hold people back seeking freedom and better life

Will a wall between the U.S and Mexico, kept Mexicians out of the U.S? Did the Berlin Wall kept East Germanys from going West? You see, unless you are blind people seeking freedom will risk there lives for liberty, wall or no wall.
And yes, we should pass Kate's Law and make English the official language of the U.S,however, if we built a wall between us and Mexico then we should tear down the Statue of Liberty., and become a nation of know nothings.
For the know nothings believe the half truth of Trump, that Mexico make a lot money from us,this is true,however, the flip side of the coin is we make a lot money from Mexico,indeed, the only country that we sell more goods and services is Canada.
So why do the know nothing take such hostile view of Mexico? It comes down to one ugly word racism! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sean Hannity two faced dealing with Jews.

Sean Hannity two faced dealing with Jews. Yes, Hannity is very Pro-Israel, however, in beginning the Obama Administration Hannity lied about the relationship Between Obama and Martin Feldstein(who was Ronald Reagan's chief economist) stated that Martin Feldstein was broad of director for AIG (the insurance company  that bailout by the government) which was true, however, he went to say Feldstein and Obama were buddies which was a lie. First of all they never meet privately and public setting Feldstein publicly embarrass Obama over Obama's plan to reduce the Charitable contribution deduction.
One wonders if Hannity told the lie because Feldstein is very Jewish name and he trying to appeal to anti-semtics.
But Hannity was in Israel at a kibbutz,he said a kibbutz was sort a village, a little dishonest a Kibbutz is a collective farm.    

Friday, September 4, 2015

Is Obama a phony for going to Alaska to promote globe warming while oking oil drilling in Attic?

Is Obama a phony for going to Alaska to promote warming while ok the oil drilling by Shell in Attic? Yes I know misspelled some thing forgive I have dyslexia. But politics in U.S has taken so strange turns if Sander the Socialist running well, and Trump god knows what is running ahead of pack but Carson( Ben not Johnny) is gaining and think might over take Trump in Iowa. Can't see farmer who from 6 to 6 support a New York sharpy Businessman. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Does anybody know what happen today Sept. the third on world history?

Does anybody know what happen to today(Sept the Third) in world history? It was start of World War Two, Germany invaded Poland from the West, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from East. The Munich Agreement proved to be a big mistake and wonders does the Iran deal echo the Munich Agreement. Is Obama our Neville Chamberlain?