Friday, September 25, 2015

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on. Who was Charles Halleck? A congressman from Indian become part Republican leadership in the House was majority leader in 1953 to 1955 then become minority leader from 1955 to 1965. In 1965 after getting wipe by Johnson-Goldwater presidential election of 1964 there was coup by Gerald Ford,Melvin Laird and Charles Goodell. Hallack was sack as minority leader and replaced by Gerald Ford.
I's interesting leadership for House Republicans oftens lead to coups:Hallack in 1965,Gingrich lost his speakership over a coup and now John Boehner.Now for President usually the next line gets the nomination, not true for 2016, but in 2012 Romney finished twice in 2008 so go it in 2012,McCain second in 2000 gets in 2008, Dole ran much for President second in 1988 gets in 1996,Bush of course Reagan Vice-President and ran second in 1980,Reagan ran second 1976 and gets in 1980 and goes on and on.  

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