Thursday, December 3, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published today (12/3/15) in the Record about Woodrow Wilson's legacy.

Got a letter to the editor published today (12/3/15) in the Record( the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Woodrow Wilson legacy which has been under attack lately.
This is what appear in the paper:" Monday morning quarterbacking about Woodrow Wilson legacy is ridiculous. Yes, by today's standard, his beliefs were outrageous. But in his day, and for a native Southerner, they were par for the course.
For the record, Wilson also protested against California legislation excluding aliens( it was aimed at the Japanese) from land ownership in 1913.
Also, Wilson in his Fourteen Points wanted to give minorities the right to determine their own fate. His proposals included an opportunity of autonomous development for the people of Austria-Hungary and self-determination for people under Turkish rule.
Wilson legacy still affects the United States though the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act.
Woodrow Wilson was larger than life.
He wasn't a perfect person, but who among us is? " 

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