Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What happen to oil prices and dollar moving in tandem.

For long time people said the dollar and oil prices move in tandem. But it's not so lately. Also, Dodd-Frank maybe causing the stock market to go down because it leads it lack of liquidate, and in way,hurting economy by having banks have huge reserves, so bank buy treasury instead of lending out money, but is silver linning in Dodd-Frank because banks have huge reserves the likely hood of of financial meltdown is far less.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Campbell soup, Mondelez International, Kellogg takeover candidates?

Are Campbell( who's stock has moved up nicely today) Mondelez International (who stock has also moved today,not much as Cambell but very good move) and Kellogg takeover candidates? I think so. These defence play in this uncerntain market have hidden value.

Macy's boss says sales are down because people are buying cars.

Macy's boss says sales are down because people are buying cars. Now strong Auto sale should be sign of economy on rebound, however, maybe people are buying cars because of need- the avg. of age of American is 11 year, far cry from Father's day when he would buy car every three years.
We are always told, that lower price of oil is tax cut and people will spend but veracity of money is slow. Why? By the way, I just bought some Macy's stock which I think is cheap, also like oil companies that will stay in business.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Got a letter published in the NY Daily News today(1/17/16) on Ny Legislature should be full time

Errol Lewis (who is a columnist for the Daily News) is right: The people of New York pay too much money for a legislature of dubious value. Instead of letting fools in Albany  bleed taxpayers dry, keep the Legislature part-time so they have less time to steal the people blind , and impose term limits.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

When Germany shows more compassion then U.S something is a miss.

The disgraceful action of many Republican governors( I am Republican, indeed, I ran for council in Fort Lee,NJ twice as a Republican) and Presidential candidates dealing the Syrian refuges contrast with the compassion   of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, indeed, she is putting many of us Americans to shame.
I think Merkel motivated by her Christianity, after all, her father was a Lutheran Minster. But so Christians in my country forget the Christianity and such by voices of evil like Rush Limbaugh and voices of darkness on Right-wing talk radio. And am a man of Right but those with bigotry disguise me.   

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stocks I think can do well!

I think Duke Energy, ATT, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart as stocks I think can do well this year. Now do own all stocks mention except for Wal-Mart.I notice these four stock have been bucking trend of market that has been dropping like a rock, except for today with price of oil for once going up the market is up today and do think at the end of year thepric of oil will be around $60. It's my understanding that Saudi Arabia is driving down price of oil with it's production, for there can money at $20 and hurt Iran, Russia but might lead to war with Saudi Arabia and Iran which cut supply hence drive up the price.
ATT and Duke Energy have very good yields on the dividends and think there safe.Microsoft for years did nothing but under new leadership life has return. Bad times maybe good time for Wal-Mart people looking to pay for more.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why is Wal-Mart and J.C Penney bucking the trend on Wall Street?

As stock market goes down a rat hole, maybe because of China, or Mid-East troubles, or interest rate going up, or oil prices going down somehow Wal-Mart, which many say is bellweather for U.S economy, is now one few dow stock going up.And the retailer many considerate dead J.C Penney seem found new life. Also Auto sales are at records.Gold for once is going up maybe replacing the dollars and U.S Treasuries as safe haven. But like high paying dividend stock like Exxon.