Sunday, September 25, 2016

On C-span #3 this morning saw the Kennedy-Nixon debate where Kennedy use dog whistle to appeal to anti-semtic.

On C-span #3 saw the Kennedy- Nixon debate. Kennedy has gotten away with using a dog whisle to appeal to anti-semtics. For more then once he refer to the Javits-Nixon, which was different approach to Medicare. The point is Javits was Jewish and very liberal Republican the type southerners would hate.
What lost Nixon the debate, beside Kennedy seeming to be his equal was the way he look when Kennedy was speaking,he's eyes were shifty and chin struck out like cartoonist dream.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What do John Stumpf and Heather Bresch and Kaepernick have in common?

What do John Stumpf and Heather Breach and Kaepernick have in common? They are disgraces and should lose there jobs.
John Stumpf,Chairman and C.E.O of Wells Fargo, has to go, whether or not, he knew about phony accounts for his boss, he makes millions, and it's job to knew what happening in his shop.
He's testimony to congress was disgraceful, saying he can't comment crawbacks, especially the lady who got 100 million dollar to leave while small lost not jobs maybe there future.
Then there is Heather Bresch, C.E.O of Mylan, who jack up price of life saving device so she could made millions. The product cost around 2 dollar, a first it sold for around 60 dollar, but price jump up 600 dollars.
Kaepernick the guy who must play football without a helmet. He talks about cultures other then West, how there more tolerate and of course that's all such bull shit, in Islam Gays can be kill for being gay,yet Kaepernicks of  theworld do not understand this there hate America( Kaepernick makes 11 million a year for throwing a football, I guess that social injustice) there care little justice in places like Cuba and Zimbabwe and media makes Kaepernick some sort of hero.      

The polls for U.S Presidency don't make sense.

The polls for U.S Presidency didn't make sense. Many national show close race, but states polls show something different: example today in tracking done by LA Times/ USC it shows Trump will 5 point lead over Clinton national, but Siena show Clinton with 21 point lead in NY, Cal a Field Poll shows Clinton with 17 point lead- something is wrong here. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News today 9/11/16 about 9/11/01 and it's aftermath.

Got letter to editor published in the New York Daily News today (9/11/16) about 9/11/01 and it's aftermath.
This is what appeared in paper," The 15th anniversary of 9/11 is upon us, haunting us like the ghost of Christmas past, for that fateful day I worked caddy corner to the World Trade Center and was ready to go to work, when for some reason, my smoke alarm went off, so I was late and avoided the mayhem. Was it the hand of providence giving me a warning? Who knows. But I think fate rules our lives. What struck me three weeks later as I returned to my place of work was the look on people's faces. There was grimness; people seemed like zombies. I had the feeling I was in Berlin in 1947.
There was the smell of rubber burning, like the smell of death. People looked at the ground, just stared with a sense of disbelief, the eerie feeling that maybe this was the end of the world. As time goes on, the memory isn't lost, but it is faded and one learns like is ephemeral and goes on and lives with the promise of a better day." 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hollywood is going to remake the Bond Movie,"From Russian with Love" stating Donald Trump.

Hollywood is going to remake the Bond movie," From Russian with Love" stating Donald Trump.
I mean, Trump is candidate of Right kissing up to former K.G.B General. And many who attack Obama for giving a message to Dmitry Medvedev before the 2012 election that after the election the U.S and Russian could have better relationship, give Trump a pass on support of Putin.
Trump is the Manchurian Candidate.
It's strange nobody has pointed out when Trump used America First for foreign policy, it bring back memories of Gerald L.K Smith,who ran for President in 1944 on the ticket America First, Smith was a Nazi. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Trump is wrong why America has drug problem.

Trump is wrong why America has drug problem. He's game is raw appeal to prejudice, blame on Mexicans,brown skin devils, different culture, different language, easy target for haters to blame,they even blame the Mexicans for Heroin problem in New England. Well Heroin is grow in Asia and enter it enter the U.S directly visa-vise Canada and if don't believe just look at map.
The reason why America has drug is because Americas want to take drugs. You know conservatives use to believe in personal responsibility but not only but much of Right-wing media blames verybody drug except people that use drugs. You know, if there was no demand for drugs there would be no drug trade, for no money could be made.