Monday, February 27, 2017

An interview David Frost give nearly fifty years I remember.

Many years ago, maybe late 1960's or early 70's David Frost (yes the same David Frost, who had interview with Richard Nixon, I think in the late 70's, which bring Nixon back as public figure) had a nightly show and I remember an interview he had with Ben Bradlee, the managing Editor of Washington Post.
Bradlee told an incredible story: Mary Pinchot Meyer was Washington socialite,from famous family, she was ex-wife of Cord Mayer, high official in C.I.A, she had affair with JFK. She was murder in Washington D.C,. Bradlee at time was her brother-in- law.he said he found a diary, more like sketch pad Bradlee said, he give to James Jesus Angleton who burned the diary. Bradlee at the time he didn't know who Angleton was- he had to be lying.
Angleton was legendary figure in the C.I.A,head of counter intelligence also was man who form a close relation with Israel intelligence.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

America's first anti-immigation laws the Alien & Sedition acts of 1798.

In John Adams Presidency the U.S had undeclared war with France in the seas. France had gone thought a revolution and divided America: between the Federalist, who wanted a closer relation between the U.S and U.K  and Jeffersonian , who were pro-French.
President Adams and Federalist congress voted and made the Alien & Sedition Act. It was four laws:
1) the Naturalization Act- change becoming a citizen from 5 years to 14 years.
2) Alien Act- to deport all that was regarded as dangerous to public peace and safety.
3) Authorized to arrest, imprison, or banish enemy aliens in time of war.
4) Sedition Act- This act provided fines and imprisonment of citzens or aliens who entered into combinations to oppose execution of national laws, formant insurrection, or to write,publish, or utter false or malicious statements about the Chief Executive, the legislature, or the government.
Now there was much outrage about these laws, in part they lead to big Jeffersonian victory in the 1800 election.
When Jefferson come to power alone with his party( the Democratic- Republican Party) three of four laws of Alien & Sedition were repealed, however, the Sedition stay on the books.