Monday, November 26, 2012

Ecclesiastes and Donovan

The mouse that roared.Saw mouse in the house yesterday was very upset.It was also cold yesterday and apartment was warm,for once,usually the landlord is very cheap.But watching football game I saw small mouse,it wasn't big but I scream.Today tired didn't sleep well last night.Little bored life is going by.Saw mailman today said it's getting cold well I said it's winter but soon spring then summer life goes on and the Bible book of Ecclesiastes says"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Back in Shepperd Collage old Donovan(Richard Donovan) read Ecclesiastes to me.Donovan was wise old bird,a country fellow Irish from South West Virginia rye sense of humor.A few after not having contact with for at least 30 years I got he work at WV Office of higher education e-mail and we some contact although I get feeling I am somebody in his past and life as move on like old words from Ecclesiastes,A time to get,and a time to lose;to keep,and a time to cast away.
Time goes on we do not and in time past life is empty shell the writer once said you can never go home again,well you can't back to youth to past days for life passes you by

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