Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Robert Torricelli a lost soul.

Very nice day spring like mail the stock certificate for Sara Lee,months late,post office busy.
Went to liberty spoke to Nick Taylor.Nick is smart well read man who if lived in society that make sense would done much bettor in life.Mention David McCullough book Truman and then I Mike Hill,who saw interview by Brian Lamb,on C-Span question and answer on last Sunday Night.I mention Hill worked for Robert Torricelli,when he was Congressman in early eighties.I said,I think there must meet when both worked for V-P Mondale.Torricelli was chief counsel,he was all but twenty-five to be chief counsel for V-P.But now his gone see him in Fort Lee from time to time,he has client in medical field(I think dealing with Medicare in Puerto Rico.why company that does business in Puerto Rice has office in New Jersey beats me.but it's my understanding Torricelli get 10,000 dollar a month from them and that few years ago maybe now he gets more,but his not happy ,indeed,he looks like lost soul.I bet he missed politics.     

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