Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The hot girl and stupid media plus Rush Hannity and friend hurt the Rightt

After some warm weather,back to Dec, weather the cold coming when getting mail saw girl hot girl with dye blond hair flaming red lipstick,a little woman maybe 5 ft very sexy.Open the outside door for her to let her in at mailbox she stated it was getting cold outside.
Listened to Shaw Hannity ,on radio like Limbaugh full of crap hurting the conservative movement Republican Party.There don't look at elections it's same line with those guys they lead the conservative nowhere.Sometimes I think there are more interested lining there pockets then getting conservative elected.These radio talk shows host from some exception ,like Michael Medved,are cancer to Right.You I wrote to the apple(radio of Salem communications in New York market) pointed the promo stated this was most contention presidential election in America was insult to there audience.I mean,I think election 1860 was bit more contention;after all,it lead to Civil War.Why are people media both Left and Right so stupid and poorly inform.One thing I know schools don't reward knowledge they reward of way thinking not what you know. 

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