Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ed Asher and foolly use as spokeman against bigtry in Houston many years ago

Spring has turned back to winter,it's cold in the apartment.Outside I think it's about forty maybe high thirty degrees,but mades feel much colder.It's around 5:36 P.M dark cold night one hears wind howling,little heat in apartment.
Listen to Michael Medved(not spell right I think) radio show play that stupid and kind sick ad from teachers union in California and Ed Asher did narration.Asher is sick man,he hates American even though his done so well here something wrong with him.
I remember living in Houston from 11/80 to 5/1983.And Ed Asher did P.S.A from Jewish origination
I think it was B'nai B'rith(which my mother got awarding hanging now in my bedroom I had look it up to  spell it don't organization like B'nai B'rith you lose you identity as person,your not individual but member group it's like mob beside I wasn't a little Jew genius,I did very badly in school never had good job and looked around and many Jews who did well in school and had good position in life many not all I thought weren't much,they weren't very bright or gifted so don't like them)anyway call called the local B'nai B'rith office in Houston to complain about using Ed Asher in Ad.How stupid Houston,at that time and think still is a very politically conservative town and use a Communist to promote your goals.I spoke to nice lady and told how unwise it was to use Ed Asher and went told you use somebody Bob Hope non-Jewish,non-political a person that avg America loved.But I got feeling to went through one ear and out the other.These people didn't get it! 

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