Monday, December 31, 2012

Jerome L. Wilson

It's bloody cold in the apartment,indeed,I'm wearing my winter coat.I wonder if this sign of thing to come,will 2013 be a cold year? Next March I be sixty,an age one starts thinking of death,henceforth,one thinks back on one's life.I thought today of Jerome L. Wilson.Who was he? And why does come to mind. I remember him as commentator for WCBS on politics,he had been Assemblyman in New York but his seat was lost to redistricting,so ran for Congress,John Lindsey old seat Lindsey of course,had been elected mayor in 1965.Wilson lost to Theodore Kupferman.Wilson then went on T.V WCBS very cordial relation with Jim Jensen the anchor.Year later I had correspondence with Jim Jensen,who thought I could be writer.What a joke damn word no sense grammar and damn spelling I know word put can't put them writer the letters dance in head and spit out unintellectual and damn prepositions words but and the I miss them there often left of my writing god damn dyslexia cures no man should ever have.
I remember two things about him on T.V:one was I think in 1973 he had broad with little pieces like button almost of potential mayoralty candidate and put Mario Como,who was just about unknown at the time button up there,almost as after thought saying he just look good.Of course, Cuomo had been involve as meditated dealing with open housing in Forest Hills,it was sticky situation because it pitted liberals and black against Jews.Second time was when Wilson left WCBS,I think was in Teaneck,New Jersey and come on counter a WCBS editorial.He was opposed to nationalizing welfare,which time was big issue liberal,have nation pay liberal generous welfare,hence,saving money for liberal but Wilson was against it which surprise me for he was a big liberal.

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