Sunday, June 30, 2013

Despite being shareholder unfriendly,but having great bussiness model a ticket on Kansas City Southern just might lead to riches.

Despite being shareholder unfriendly,but having great business model a ticket on Kansas City Southern just might lead to riches.In past blog, I wrote I thought railroads are great business because there are oligopolies and there have advantage in cost over the trucking industry.And I wrote the best business model for railroads was Kansas City Southern because the path spines up and down the Mississippi River,which in a way is America's economic highway,and Kansas City Southern goes deep into Mexico.Now this week in Barron's there is story basically saying that,the story points out stock has gone up 344% and Mexico's growing manufacturing,especially for automoblies, will lead to more demand for intermodel transport.The article suggest that Kansas City Southern just might be takeover candidate.
Not in the article but mind belief,is that growing Mexico manufacturing,especially in the auto industry,will good for USX.Why? Because a few years ago,USX bought Lone Star Steel,which rail spur that connected with Kansas City Southern that lead deep into Mexico.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Personnel income takes a hit in U.K but far more oil shale then first thought.Germany unemployment down

Personnel income takes a hit in the U.K(bye-bye Cameron,bring Margaret Thatcher back from grave)but oil shale reserves may be twice as much as first thought,maybe a new North Sea bonanza.
Germany unemployment rate drop unexpectedly.
U.S Senate passed immgration reform 68-32 but likely to die in house.
Hot,hot in U.S.A northeast today.
Yankees lose 2 to 0 to Texas Ranger.Yankees so many injuries can't buy break,too bad big George is gone and kids are running the show.George just might have saved the season.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life for Snowden seem to be Putin on the Ritz.

Life for Snowden seem to be Putin on Ritz.Boy Putin is sticking finger in eye Obama by not kicking out Snowden or arresting him and sending back to face justice.Boy what loser John Kerry looks like,like poor boy asking for Mersey for big bully.The U.S under Obama looks like paper tiger gone are days Ronald Reagan,when America was country people respected and yes feared.The pallor games of Obama have lead disengagement of American foreign policy.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Man without country is man on the ran

Mr.Snowden give us all snow job.I thought,and thinking is dangerous thing)he might a hero,but look countries he has been on ran:China,Russia and try to go Cuba not exactly freedom loving places.Mr Snowden is now man without a country,indeed,a man on the ran.
He is no hero but loser playing dangerous gambit.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Will Brazil become another Argentina?

Brazil seems to step on world stage:I mean,with World Cup and Olympics become there but now all is in doubt.Riots the once model for Latin America now seems to be falling apart.And Argentina comes to mind,for after fall of the junta the seemly reform government of Menem was gateway for Latin America how things should be done but then things fall apart discontent which lead to Marxist government of the Kircher's and future of bankruptcy.In a wink of eye all is gone the brave new world looks old and tried.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Uncle Ben's receipt for the Dow to go down,down down

Uncle Ben receipt for Dow to go down,down,down.Stop buying those bonds,hence less money in system,higher interest rates,less liquidity.No more inflated asset maybe lead to bubble,which lead torn and trouble.The U.S economy is just so so but horrible of inflation like nineteen seventies is now concern of  the FED.Mr. Obama doesn't know what to do,the world around him is falling apart but rising stock market was saving is political bacon,this might not be kosher but truth.Now Ben will stop the printing press and asset might deflate will Obama drop in polls? Or will he get away with blaming Republicans?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Justin smells the Rose of sweet victory.

Justin Smells the Rose of sweet victory.The classy Englishman rose to occasion winning the U.S Open.Again Phil give us thrills but left us again down in hope that people's champion would gleam the much prize trophy of a nation championship but it wasn't to be.And Jason Day well someday he will have his game and he a lot like Phil full thrills.But was Merion the old out dated course that prove all media maven wrong,for players didn't eat Merion of live,but it was Merion that feasted of players,making them look oh so human,you got to love!
Unfortunately economic,oh that cruel science,may leave of us dry of pleasure seeing again(U.S) Open at Merion.For it's small venue,less space for U.S.G.a to sale stuff,hence,less of money pitt so despite it's charms this might last cry for the(U.S) Open at Merion.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Who will win the U.S Open?

Who will win the U.S Open? Merion,the old golf course,long forgotten by the U.S.G.A and the media said,it was too short,too to easy for U.S Open especially with all rain making the golf so soft.Well those people must soft in head,for as write this only one player was under par.No the old lady grimmest to the golfer,not playing role of easy dog,indeed,biting back at mother time.For despite it's storied past with Hogan miracle and Trevino's snake it had been forgotten,overlooked time and time again but as it beckoning for new glory in the land of Philadelphia freedom finally in this year of the end long putting the Open has return to Merion.And indeed Merion has rule the roost humbling the great players of the day.So hail King Merion may you not wait a other 32 years for the Open.

David Cameron a bit of a bore, leadership sylye is like Obama leading from behind.

David Cameron a bit of a bore and his leadership style is like Obama leading from behind.And when you lead from behind(well how should I put this?) the nation is screwed! For leading from behind ain't leading at all it's follow the noise of least resistance.I was watching Cameron on the BBC some show takes questions and question come from girl from Istanbul who asked whether Europe would take action against oppressed Turkish regime and mention police brutality against the cry for freedom.But Cameron would condemn the Turkish regime and said he was favor of EU membership for Turkish regime.
Also saw morning on T.V Bloomberg Angela Merkel,less boring then Cameron but honestly didn't say much either:did song and dance around the stupid idea of financial transfer tax and said would push trade deal with U.S.A and the E.U.
Japan may end soon easy money but will American follow? Not likely,too much politically pressure to kept markets high and money although cheap,hence,worthless is always warmly greeted by the public.
Obama is lost,no more Mr. magic,no people see him for what he is a low grade Chicago pol.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rubio dises Reagan? Obama has creditable gap.

The other day Mario Rubio disrespected Ronald Reagan.How? He was talking about immigration bill and he said if could put man on moon we could pass an immigration.Well,he could said winning the Cold War.You know because no bullets were fired,no surrounded treaty was sign people right don't yell shout the greatness of winning the Cold War and of course Left thinks the wrong side win.So Reagan's greatness is still underrated.
With all his administration's lies,like blaming killing of our Ambassador Libya on video,the I.R.S scandel,the investigating James Rosen from Fox News,and N.S.A spying on all of us Obama now has creditable gap with the American people.He is no longer the knight in shinning armor,no he now appear just to be a politician,the magic is gone people don't trust him.The creditable was first used in Johnson Administration over the Vietnam war.People got sick of Defence Sec. McNamara saying the light is end tunnel in Vietnam,in other words victory was around the corner,but thing seem to get worse in Vietnam so people stop believing in government,and once that happen trust can't be restored and leader become empty vessel good for nothing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Istanbul where East meets West perhaps the beginning of the end of spread of Muslim extremism.

Istanbul where East meets West perhaps the beginning of the end of the spread of Muslim extremism.
Istanbul is cosmopolitan no place for loonies of crazed Muslim belief the world would right if return to the 6 century.Of course,was last hold out for Christianity in that region of the world where religion seems so unholy.Indeed,last ambers of Roman Empire were snuff out in 1453 when the Ottoman conquest took place.A great empire would come about but time plays role in history and empires lose there way and after World War One good bye to Ottoman and Turkey become a republican but not a Muslim Republic,no but a secular Republic,indeed,the first modern state in Muslim world.But now under the Prime Minster Erdogan he seek to return the abyss and  tyranny of theocratic state.But people are saying no! No to bastard  vision of government,people crying for freedom to pursue they lives as they wish,it's called freedom.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Edward Snowden patriot or traitor?

Edward Snowden patriot or traitor? I don't know.One thing I would say about Mr.Snowden he's well spoken and intelligent,which doesn't surprise me because he isn't schooled.School often produces the dumbest people and society buy into the belief that doing well in school is sign intelligence when in reality it's often just the opposite.James Clapper head of the National Intelligence is a moron and I bet he was excellent student.
Government has gone too far on spying on it's citizens,yes we need secrets and the government to protect must spy but there are limits and tracking everybody not only isn't right but not productive because too much information can't be analyse,information overload doesn't make nation safer and this spying goes against American believe in privacy,it liberty that make us great.We should honor men like Washington,Jefferson and Hamilton and never forgot what they fight for and started.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The L.A Times back to the future.

There has been much angst about Koch brothers buying the L.A Times.Like there is some law that newspapers must be liberal.But believe or not,there was time in California land when newspaper were conservative and instrumental in the promise of golden state and no more so then L.A Times.For until last Chandler,Otto ruled the Root(he took over in 1960) the L.A Time was beacon of conservatism.Indeed.largely through the L.A Times did Southern California raised hope of millions to move to the promise of California,jobs,land,sunshine,trees, if they were WASP from mid-west(names like Nixon and Reagan come to mind with this WASP trek from mid-west) it change landscape from Spanish to Anglo.The L.A Times said California offered prosperity to forgot WASP,looked down a pond the his Eastern plutocrat cousin,ironically Otto would be educated in fancy Eastern schools and try prove himself to the eastern WASP plutocrats.
Under Otto father Norman Chandler the L.A Times was so part California Republican establishment that it was Norman Chandler and Richard Nixon who pressured Goodie Knight,the Governor of California at the time,to drop out race for re-election for Governor and ran for William Knowland senate seat,believe or not,Knowland was minority leader,but he thought he have better chance of becoming President by being Governor of California,it was big switch and Republican party in California never reality recovered from it.
The L.A Times was big supporter of Richard Nixon until the nineteen sixties,in some ways it make his career.And oddly enough Nixon was everything that WASP plutocrats of East would hate.Curiously so did most Jews hate Nixon which must have hurt him,for undoubtedly he saw himself as Jews did coming from nothing to gain much power.But Jews(most of them not me) tend to be Left-Wing conformist and of course Nixon make his name exposing Alger Hiss as Soviet spy he was.Of course Hiss was very much part of Eastern WASP plutocracy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Majority of Brits want out of EU.Irish eyes ain't smiling.And were is Ataturk the Turk when you need him?

The Majority of Brits,according to latest polls want out of the EU.This could be life line for David Cameron if he has guts to take it,otherwise the Tories are doom to lose the next election and Liberals Democrats will become the ghost of Christmas past.
Irish eyes ain't smiling these days with unemployment rate around 13 percent.In America,not so bad,rate 7.6 up a bit economy only created 176,000 jobs,mean FED will keep printing money.
Ataturk the Turk where are you? for Turkey needs you,much upheaval over the government that is to close to Muslim religion.Yes,Turkey is Muslim country,I think like 95 percent of country is Muslim,but government when the Republic was form,largely due Ataturk the Turk,it was secular,religion was to have no role in government.But Muslim party has gain power in Turkey,but now people have had enough of religion particularly the Muslim being shoved down there throats.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I got a letter to the editor published today(6/4/13) in the New York Post about Scarlet Knights becoming letters.

I got a letter to the editor published today(6/4/13) in the New York Post about Scarlet Knights becoming letter and Christie's blunder.
Here is what I wrote:"The Scarlet Knights are wearing the scarlet letter.
When one thinks of Rutgers, Alice in Wonderland comes to mind,because things are getting curiouser and curiouser. Yet, Gov. Chris Christie can't see the trees in forest.
If the trees burn down , the governor can kiss his chances for the presidency good-bye."

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee