Sunday, June 30, 2013

Despite being shareholder unfriendly,but having great bussiness model a ticket on Kansas City Southern just might lead to riches.

Despite being shareholder unfriendly,but having great business model a ticket on Kansas City Southern just might lead to riches.In past blog, I wrote I thought railroads are great business because there are oligopolies and there have advantage in cost over the trucking industry.And I wrote the best business model for railroads was Kansas City Southern because the path spines up and down the Mississippi River,which in a way is America's economic highway,and Kansas City Southern goes deep into Mexico.Now this week in Barron's there is story basically saying that,the story points out stock has gone up 344% and Mexico's growing manufacturing,especially for automoblies, will lead to more demand for intermodel transport.The article suggest that Kansas City Southern just might be takeover candidate.
Not in the article but mind belief,is that growing Mexico manufacturing,especially in the auto industry,will good for USX.Why? Because a few years ago,USX bought Lone Star Steel,which rail spur that connected with Kansas City Southern that lead deep into Mexico.

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