Friday, June 14, 2013

Who will win the U.S Open?

Who will win the U.S Open? Merion,the old golf course,long forgotten by the U.S.G.A and the media said,it was too short,too to easy for U.S Open especially with all rain making the golf so soft.Well those people must soft in head,for as write this only one player was under par.No the old lady grimmest to the golfer,not playing role of easy dog,indeed,biting back at mother time.For despite it's storied past with Hogan miracle and Trevino's snake it had been forgotten,overlooked time and time again but as it beckoning for new glory in the land of Philadelphia freedom finally in this year of the end long putting the Open has return to Merion.And indeed Merion has rule the roost humbling the great players of the day.So hail King Merion may you not wait a other 32 years for the Open.

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