Monday, March 31, 2014

Japan ticking time bomb?

According to Larry Summers,former Treasury Sec.,he worries about Japan leading world in next economic crises.Japan will raise it's Vat tax(value added sort like a sales tax) from 5% to 8%,also Japan debt as percent of G.N.P is believe or not higher than Greece. One major problem in Japan is aging population,not enough young workers to finance the welfare state.However last year Japan's stock market did very well but still was after years of in being doldrums.
Brazil's credit rating the other was drop by Standard and Poors.
U.S stock market,with low interest rates and some much trouble around the world looks still very good,it just maybe no place else to put money.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Death of American hero

Jeremiah Denton died today,hopefully he is never forgotten a great man,the type man that mades America great.Brave soldier who spent 7 years in hell hole in gruesome Vietnam prison.As the pigs of communist regime try use Denton for propaganda he outwited them,his lips said everything was fine,but blinking eyes said torture!
In 1980 Denton was elected to U.S Senate from Alabama.Served only one term and then faded away from public scene,but heroism shall remember forever more.
America is great country,I was surprised to learn that in 1936,the height of great depression,New York City use more electricity than any other place on earth.
Also I believe we(the U.S) will again become great manufacturing center because fracking natural gas(cheap energy) and now wages aren't that high in U.S hence,China only does 5% discount on cost and we(the U.S) are about 40% cheaper to produce good than Germany.
Never bet against the United States of America.Russian is real trouble it's society is falling apart.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

As in yesteryear the Left hates Catholics

The sanctimonious Lefty,who believe he is so good always for underdog,unless it's unborn,hates the Catholic Church.I was listening to somebody on MSNBC and they were so worry about outcome of the Hobby Lobby case because the Supreme Court now six Catholics on it,oh my,the world would come to an end.
But I am remember of very distressing case in 1927 dealing force sterilization Buck v. Bell.Carrie Bell mother was prostitution,hence,Carrie was given to family call Dobbs.For five years in school Carrie seem to do ok,then the Dobbs took her out school to do domestic work for them.The Dobbs son raped Carrie and she become pregnant.Then the Dobbs got Carrie committed to the Colony for the Epileptic and Feebleminded.
Dr.Piddy,the first superintendent of the Colony, was advocated of eugenics.A law passed in Virginia allow sterilization of the feebleminded.The Colony wanted sterizatized Carrie.She took it to Court and did reach the Supreme Court which ruled 8 to 1 that sterilization was constitutional.The lone dissenter was the Right-wing Pierce Butler, who the great liberal Oliver Wendell Holmes said the only reason Butler dissented was because he was Catholic.Also the great liberal,Oliver Wendell Holmes said regarding the case,three generation of idiots are enough!
Butler who one most underrated justices in the Court's history,also shown courage again the lone voice of justice in case dealing with double jeopardy.
For record I'm not Catholic,I'm Jewish.But there is bias in history because our schools are so corrupt and I believe in fairness even though life is very unfair. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I got a letter to the editor publish today in the Record.

I got a letter to the editor publish today in the Record.The Record is main paper for Northern New Jersey,mainly Bergen County.
This is what letter said,"In the world of political deals  in Bergen County,the more one fails,the more one suceeds,hence the once Xanadu has been revived as the American Dream.In reality,it's a nightmare.
The more authorities try to mitigate the disaster of the project, the more they're stuck by it and more deals are made that ultimately fall on people's feet.
So what should be done? Declare the whole project was ill-conceived and get rid of this myriad of political bodies and start to clean up the body politic.Start by getting rid of the New Jersey Sports  & Exposition Authority."

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee    

Monday, March 17, 2014

Malaysia nobody mention the ethnic tension between the Malays and Chinese and maybe that's why plane went missing.

Malaysia nobody has mention the ethnic tension between the Malays(who about 50% of population in Malaysia) and Chinese(who about 24% of the population)indeed,the country or city-state Singapore was born of this tension for Singapore is mostly Chinese.Now missing fight was headed for China from Malaysia.Now think the history of ethnic tension would mention and in past there has been much violence with two group but not peep from anybody about this. Why?

Friday, March 14, 2014

The mystic chord of memory.

The mystic chord of memory,was quote from Abraham Lincoln from his first Inaugural Speech.I heard that phase on the Michael Medved Show.Michael Medved is one few on radio that does dummy down to play to his audience.I mean the stupidity of some these callers is unreal,for example  on Dennis Prager show today,an fill in host was talking about impeaching Obama(boy talking about being unreal) and stupidity lady calls in and protest that Democrats use the race and how Abraham Lincoln must be turning over in his grave and then she said a kicker even though Lincoln was Democrat.Lincoln Democrat how stupid was this woman.
Some story in local that,indeed, was mystic chord of memory.The story was how a girl in school was being bullied by her teacher.It brought me back to 1962 or 1963 back in forth grade when my teacher Mrs.Klein hated my guts.I remember we went down to the auditorium,and there was film on how satellites are changing communication and after we had write on the film.I wrote now people in America can communicate with people half way around,I wrote the would,of cousre I meant the world.Mrs.Klien read in front class laugher,very much humiliated.Those were very hard years for me,I had dylexia and school was a nightmare.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Martin Feldstein upbeat about U.S economy.Libor scandal developing.

Martin Feldstein,President Reagan's chief economist and Harvard Professor,is upbeat about the American economy,despite first quarter blues.
A few years ago,when Obama just become President and country seem at the abyss of financial ruin,and the insurance company A.I.G was front and center in the storm Sean Hannity said,Martin Feldstein is board of A.I.G(true at the time) but also said Feldstein was a good buddy of Obama,a total lie!!! Feldstein not only didn't know Obama from Adam but is Obama critic,indeed,he has publicly embarrassed Obama over cutting back on the tax deduction for charities.Now Hannity was making much that Obama appointed Feldstein to one these worthless committees for job creation,however,the appoint had nothing to with Obama but rather Larry Summers who headed the committee was student of Feldstein at Harvard. Also one wonders if Hannity was trying to play to Anti-semitic crowd?
Mark Carney,head of the Bank of England(curiously a Canadian) is speaking to parliament about the Libor rate being rigged.Maybe a big scandal brewing?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Is LBJ making a comeback?

A few weeks ago around President Day,a saw polling data for recents Presidents and was surprised that Lyndon Baines Johnson(LBJ) have sixty percent approval rating.He certainly didn't have when left office in 1968,indeed,he was broken man much despised by his fellow countrymen as warmonger,faker and sugardaddy.Yes,the Vietnam War is main reason he was so unpopular,but also enlargement government,for in a way,he is artichect of our eventual bankruptcy.
LBJ until recently was very tradey figure,for Vietnam dominated people's thoughts about and of course the growth of government,however,he was the Civil Wars President,indeed,in a way,he was the second Lincoln.
Though many people see his Presidency as failure,it's undisputed he was most successful majority leader in history.But it did seems talents that sevred so well as majority leader failed him president.
In Robert caro book,"The Years of Lyndon Johnson Master of the Senate" you see how was,indeed,the master of Senate.For example,he wanted Hubert Humphrey(Mr. Civil Rights) to be a bridge to liberals in the Senate to old gurad Southern segregationist,who ran the Senate in nineten fifies.This is how he did,he go up to lion of Senate Walter George and say Hubert Humphrey would like to speak to you.George would say,"what does S.O.B want? Johnson would say no,no you got wrong.Humphrey told me,that when foreign policy is being disgust and Senator George is speaking Humphrey makes sure is at the Senate floor because nobody knows more about foreign policy then Senator George.Then George sayed I see,and meeting was set up and the two hit off.
A story about LBJ as President,when asked why didn't firer Hoover? His answer was,I rather have him pissing in  the tent,then outside it.
Of course,it's 50 years since 1964 Civil Right bill and the War on Poverty(which many think Poverty win) some much media of LBJ this year even a play.Of course,the media love his program but hated him because he was Texan and the beloved John Kennedy was murdered and how LJB become President. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

It's sureal,Communist China still has the symbols of Communism,however,talks of free market capitalism.

It a strange world we live in,for example I was watch BBC-America on T.V and Chinese businessman was being interviewed.What found so strange in background there was a Red Flag with the Communist Hammer and Sickle,yet when he spoke he did so as believer in Free Market Capitalism,indeed,he spoke of deregulation like Milton Friedman Republican.
Much talk in China of the shadow banking system,also for first time China has let a major company default,this is shaking up the copper market.
Saw on Fox News Ralph Peters,now journalist use to be Army intelligence man.Really stuck it to Obama,much disrespect,talking about Obama's long telephone calls to Putin,Peters said,it's like a girl begging her old boyfriend to come back and Putin is boyfriend.Wow!!! Peters doen't think much of Obama. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The shell game by banks and the London Metal Exchange

Watching Bloomberg T.V this morning,they did stories on how bank are making packed on owning warehouses storing metals and this done through the London Metal Exchange.Boy a lot funny business in London,there's the Libor scandal there again things are manipulated for money.Now I been told the English were angry at America blame America for financial crises of 2008,citing loose regulation in America,but I think that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Anyway companies sometimes have to wait year to get there metals out of storage.Meanwhile the banks made mint by charging fee,storage fee.
Ukraine of course,is on everybody's mind,Putin is going try to built a Russian empire again and he needs Ukraine in his pocket but people say no way.Obama is weak leader,no sense of history,doesn't believe America is chosen land.No but fellows the chosen people to no were,a believe in wisdom of few the chosen,but these people fools and put themselve in harms way.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

International troubles could be good for U.S markets.

International troubles could be good for U.S markets First of all,the U.S is seem as safe haven Second while U.S has biggest economy in the world,it's far more depended on domestic consumption then trade.Trade is lifeline for economies like China,Hong Kong,South Korea,the low countries(like Holland,Belgium and Germany.These countries are far more depend on world events then U.S,hence,troubles abroad could good for U.S stocks.Also the U.S bleak in outlook,but my country(the U.S) still shines above all else,it maybe still hard times but it's best place still to do one's shopping.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The media is full of crap both from the Left and Right,but Left is more credible, hence,more dangerous.

The media is full of crap both from Left and Right,but Left is more credible,hence,more dangerous.
I mean,people know Rush Limbaugh is a clown,stupid beyond belief and he doesn't care about the truth.For example,the other day he said Hitler brought national health insurance to Germany.Wrong! It was Otto von Bismarck something lefty Chris Matthews didn't know either.On his T.V show trying to make a woman from Tea Party look foolish Matthews said the Socialists in Germany put in effort national insurance.That's wrong Bismarck put in to fight the Socialists.Now there are many things that Nazi had that Left would think(that is if ever thinks at all)would make for good society.For example Nazi Germany was probably the best educated and most cultured society on earth.It's kind of ironic many Jew Geniuses,who dominate so much of academic,in the U.S anyway,and the media believe all problem of world can solve with education and culture leads to civility.what fools they are!!!
The mainstream media(Left-Wing Media) are far more dangerous than these Right-Wing clowns on talk radio and to some degree Fox.Take how the controversial law in Arizona,which the Governor veto,was described by most in main media,as anti-Gay.Well maybe,maybe not many would describe  the bill as defending religious freedom.I honestly don't know the truth here,however,I sure the law if  the Governor signed it would have been challenged in the courts,and likely final word would come from 9 district federal court and undoubtedly they would seem such a law as unconstitutional.For 9 Federal District court is most liberal in the land,and by the way,the most reversed by the Supreme Court.