Sunday, March 2, 2014

The media is full of crap both from the Left and Right,but Left is more credible, hence,more dangerous.

The media is full of crap both from Left and Right,but Left is more credible,hence,more dangerous.
I mean,people know Rush Limbaugh is a clown,stupid beyond belief and he doesn't care about the truth.For example,the other day he said Hitler brought national health insurance to Germany.Wrong! It was Otto von Bismarck something lefty Chris Matthews didn't know either.On his T.V show trying to make a woman from Tea Party look foolish Matthews said the Socialists in Germany put in effort national insurance.That's wrong Bismarck put in to fight the Socialists.Now there are many things that Nazi had that Left would think(that is if ever thinks at all)would make for good society.For example Nazi Germany was probably the best educated and most cultured society on earth.It's kind of ironic many Jew Geniuses,who dominate so much of academic,in the U.S anyway,and the media believe all problem of world can solve with education and culture leads to civility.what fools they are!!!
The mainstream media(Left-Wing Media) are far more dangerous than these Right-Wing clowns on talk radio and to some degree Fox.Take how the controversial law in Arizona,which the Governor veto,was described by most in main media,as anti-Gay.Well maybe,maybe not many would describe  the bill as defending religious freedom.I honestly don't know the truth here,however,I sure the law if  the Governor signed it would have been challenged in the courts,and likely final word would come from 9 district federal court and undoubtedly they would seem such a law as unconstitutional.For 9 Federal District court is most liberal in the land,and by the way,the most reversed by the Supreme Court.

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