Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Martin Feldstein upbeat about U.S economy.Libor scandal developing.

Martin Feldstein,President Reagan's chief economist and Harvard Professor,is upbeat about the American economy,despite first quarter blues.
A few years ago,when Obama just become President and country seem at the abyss of financial ruin,and the insurance company A.I.G was front and center in the storm Sean Hannity said,Martin Feldstein is board of A.I.G(true at the time) but also said Feldstein was a good buddy of Obama,a total lie!!! Feldstein not only didn't know Obama from Adam but is Obama critic,indeed,he has publicly embarrassed Obama over cutting back on the tax deduction for charities.Now Hannity was making much that Obama appointed Feldstein to one these worthless committees for job creation,however,the appoint had nothing to with Obama but rather Larry Summers who headed the committee was student of Feldstein at Harvard. Also one wonders if Hannity was trying to play to Anti-semitic crowd?
Mark Carney,head of the Bank of England(curiously a Canadian) is speaking to parliament about the Libor rate being rigged.Maybe a big scandal brewing?

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