Friday, May 30, 2014

U.S economy strink by a percent,Swiss gain .5 Sweden gain of 1.9%.War at FED

U.S economy shrink by a percent,weather is blame,reminds me of the old Soviet Union whenever there was crop failure it was weather to blame.Meanwhile the Swiss economy grow by half of percent and Sweden grow by almost two percent-interest Sweden the original welfare state,socialist,however,in recent years has had a Right-wing government.
Esher George,a Fed Governor want nominalize of monetary policy,which means raising interest rate,the war on the Fed between the hawks and doves has began.
Real Estate prices up in the United States except for New York City,Manhattan co-ups took biggest hit three years,this should say something about Stock Market and U.S economy but I don't know what!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Are people that run General Motors stupid or just anti-American?

Are people that run General Motors stupid or just anti-American? I ask this question because commestral for Chevy.The ad says May is month of holidays from Cinco de Mayo(Cinco de Mayo what hell is that?) to Mothers Day-well folk how about Memorial Day?This commercial wasn't aired in Mexico or even Southwest part of the United States(and course,the Cinco de Mayo Day is being push by ant-American types who believe Southwest should be part Mexico)but shown in New York City Market.I mean,how stupid are people in General Motors to insult Americans who bail company with taxpayer dollars and now to have company spit in face of American.To forget Memorial Day and push Cinco de mayo the people of GM are idiots end of story.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is it the same scientists who predicted peak oil who now predict global warming?

I remember not so long ago,when scientists predicted peak oil,that world was running out oil.But it's not so,almost everyday there seem to new field founded,or new technology making oil and more plentiful,henceforth,the argument that we need a new source of fuel from fossil fall short,that is until global warming become fade of the day.
This come mind watching news the chinese news cable outlet on tension between China and Vietnam-how strange once communist brethren against the evil capitalist dog America-now fight each other over oil rights to feed the capitalist engine.
Today Hillshire was offer a hostile takeover by other food giant if there would take off table there take over of other food company.Hillshire is on spot for shareholder will like the all cash tender at 25% above market price.
Maybe food companies are good investments,often sell below value because there are dull and boring but sometimes boring is good!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in the Record on how dishonest a headline was.

Got letter to the editor published in the Record(it use to be call the Bergen Record)on dishonest headline.On May 19 2004 the Record front page head was Christie courts Jewish donors.Not only was dishonest but offensive,in my letter they(the Record)left out two point made:one the headline had smell of nineteen thirties Berlin and if politicians spoke in front of Civil Right group they would never say that so and so pandered for Black vote.
I happen to be at the Champions of Jewish Values International awards gala and Christe was far from pandering to Jews unlike Rick Perry who also spoke there.
Now this is what in response to headline,but remember paper didn't published my point about smelling like Belrin or how wouldn't say same thing about politicans appear front of Civil Rights group.But these are words of my the paper did publish:"Your headline was in poor taste and untrue.I was at the Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala,and Governor Christie-surprisingly,in my mind-gave a most eloquent and lofty speech about American exceptionalism.
Unlike Texas Gov. Rick Perry,Christe didn't play to the crowd;indeed,he was reaching for something of higher value.Hence Christe looked very presidential.
A headline saying that"Perry courts Jewish donors" might have been appropiate.For Perry is very much the type of politician who knows what buttons to push to please the crowd.For example, unlike Christe Perry kept on bringing up Israel,and the crowd was eating out of his hand.I had the feeling that Perry was pitching for a donation from Sheldon Adelson,but that wasn't the case with Governor Christe.I think The Record owes Christie and the Jewish comunity an apology."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published on 5/14/14 in the New York Post about how the Left is phony on human rights.

 On 5/14/14 the New York Post published my letter to editor.This is what I wrote,"Once again we see the march of the phonies and their selective outrage,this time about kidnapping schoolgirls in Nigeria.But do the country of Afganistan and the Taliban come to mind?
 Remember all the outrage about how the Taliban has treated women? Where has the outrage gone?
  Has it faded away with politcal correctness?
  Over time,the Taliban has been forgotten,America is blamed for the ills of Afganistan and our president cares little for human rights except when it becomes headline news.
   So the hashtag #bring Backourgirls has a hollow sound and people who use it have any souls and are seeking to feel good,though in reality,they care little about the girls."  

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy but it did last from 962 to 1806 a long time and has reappeared as the EU? The last Roman emperor was in 476 than in 800 Charlemagne was crowned but did died with him his empire was divided with three sons.In 962 Otto was coronated Holy Roman Emperor.
Of course,the Catholic Church took over the bones of Roman Empire and curious the closer to Rome the more Catholic.Protestantism took root in North Country places like northern Germany,in part low countries like Holland and Scandinavia places far from Rome.People in North counties much said,what does Pope know about my life,he live in Rome with pomp and lives in world that realities life is beyond his understanding.
Of course, in England Henry wanted out of his marriage and Pope said no but even if that didn't happen I think England would broken away from Church because Rome was far away and England was becoming rich and important,hence,a powerful ruling class wanted to rule the roost.As people gain wealth the Church,Catholic that is lost inflance and power over them,indeed,Capitalism took alway monpoly power of the church.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post today about America's role in world and Nigeria.

I got a letter to the editor published in the in the New York Post today.Here is what I wrote,"A lot of people who are wringing their hands about how America should do something to free the girls in Nigeria are the same people who say America can't be world's policeman.
Well,if America isn't the world's policeman,then who? And if there is no policeman,then you get a situation like Nigeria where criminals rule the roost." 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jim Grant says buy Gazprom what? Einhorn says short Athenahealth.

Jim Grant,the noted Gold Bug-well we all have shortcoming- says buy Gazprom what is he crazy or maybe crazy like a fox? Grant an interest guy,he's wrote two biography one on the legacy Wall Street tycoon and political power broker Bernard Baruch and Thomas Reed,better known as Czar Reed when he was Speaker of U.S House Representatives.
Anyway Grant says buy Gazprom and it reminds one of what Lord Rothchild once said,"when there is blood in street there is money to be made." Grant says yes Gazprom is ran  by thiefs,but still it mades lot of money the stock is selling 2.5 times earning.This remminds one of what was said about the old Soviet Union,comrade we must live in the richest country(the Soviet Union) in the world.Why do say that comrade? Because the politicans have been stealing money for yeas and there is still more money to steal."
Einhorn says short Athenahealt warning this is same guy that said short Gren Mountain Coffee when it was 20.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Death by theory.

Ken Burns who no doubt is left-wing conformist,so there is mindless about, never the less,he did fine documentary about the Civil War.One episode was death by theory.After Georgia seceded from Confederacy the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis said,death by theory.For Confederacy was born out the theory of state's right,but Davis learn to his chagrin maybe you can't run a war without central authority,or if you like a centralize state.
The founders of the United States of America understood that without Federal Government the nation would fall apart and learn this the hard way.For Articles of Confederation(adopted in 15 Nov 1777) didn't work.You have Shay's Rebellion,a bunch of farmer try to take over government Massachusetts over debts own,also after the revolution make money was owed to British merchants by former Colonist.The merchants wanted to be paid and were putting pressure on the British government to sent another army to America and reconquer it.So founder knew they had to do something was they created the Constitution to form a national government.This why when people like Clive Bundy state the Constitution doesn't recognize the national government,well that's just plain stupid and showns Mr.Bundy is just ignorant on how American government works and on it's history because if we did what Bundy says is right we will have death by theory.