Saturday, May 3, 2014

Death by theory.

Ken Burns who no doubt is left-wing conformist,so there is mindless about, never the less,he did fine documentary about the Civil War.One episode was death by theory.After Georgia seceded from Confederacy the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis said,death by theory.For Confederacy was born out the theory of state's right,but Davis learn to his chagrin maybe you can't run a war without central authority,or if you like a centralize state.
The founders of the United States of America understood that without Federal Government the nation would fall apart and learn this the hard way.For Articles of Confederation(adopted in 15 Nov 1777) didn't work.You have Shay's Rebellion,a bunch of farmer try to take over government Massachusetts over debts own,also after the revolution make money was owed to British merchants by former Colonist.The merchants wanted to be paid and were putting pressure on the British government to sent another army to America and reconquer it.So founder knew they had to do something was they created the Constitution to form a national government.This why when people like Clive Bundy state the Constitution doesn't recognize the national government,well that's just plain stupid and showns Mr.Bundy is just ignorant on how American government works and on it's history because if we did what Bundy says is right we will have death by theory.

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