Monday, May 12, 2014

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy but it did last from 962 to 1806 a long time and has reappeared as the EU? The last Roman emperor was in 476 than in 800 Charlemagne was crowned but did died with him his empire was divided with three sons.In 962 Otto was coronated Holy Roman Emperor.
Of course,the Catholic Church took over the bones of Roman Empire and curious the closer to Rome the more Catholic.Protestantism took root in North Country places like northern Germany,in part low countries like Holland and Scandinavia places far from Rome.People in North counties much said,what does Pope know about my life,he live in Rome with pomp and lives in world that realities life is beyond his understanding.
Of course, in England Henry wanted out of his marriage and Pope said no but even if that didn't happen I think England would broken away from Church because Rome was far away and England was becoming rich and important,hence,a powerful ruling class wanted to rule the roost.As people gain wealth the Church,Catholic that is lost inflance and power over them,indeed,Capitalism took alway monpoly power of the church.

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