Saturday, June 28, 2014

The same people who predicted peak oil are the same people who are predicting global warming?

I wonder are same people who predicted peak oil are the same people who are now predicting global warming? I remember the energy crisis of the 1970's,long line at gas stations,high inflation and we told by the smart America's days in sun are over.But then come sunny Ronald Reagan as President and America's seems so bright,he decontroled the price oil,and after a sharp the price drop palpability,the price of barrel of oil drop to about 10 barrel,of course expert put much gloom market,indeed,stocks like Exxon were down to 30 dollar share with a dividend 3 dollar that 10 percent yield so I told mom to buy some Exxon and she did and also I first thought before recommending the purchase of Exxon,this company mut paid much of it's income to the dividend,but it wasn't case there paid about 25 percent earning in dividend,also I thought this company must have a lot,but wasn't ,indeed,at that time Exxon had no debt.30 then it's spilt a couple time it's now about 100 and it raises it's dividend every year.Best advice I ever got to mom.
Anyway back peak prediction that turn so wrong today the U.S.A is a float in oil and gas some maybe next year we will be net exports of oil,far cry from 1970's and prediction that all was lost.
Now we hear the same certainty from wise,smart people about global warming.Well,if wrong about peak oil maybe they are wrong about global warming.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in NY Daily News on 6/17/14 on the soulmates Clinton and Limbaugh

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News on 6/17/14 on Hillary's Limbaugh's protray of freedom in Cuba.Here is what I wrote:"Hillary Clinton and Rush Limbaugh are kindred spirits when it comes to the Cuban embargo.For Limbaugh cigars are more important than freedom-hence,Limbaugh is full of it,and full of smoke too! Hillary is a different story,for she is,in a way,our Lady Macbeth.Indeed,power is her aphrodisiac.Henceforth,Queen Hillary is worried about that Indian princess Elizabeth Warren,whose tribe is a powerful force within the Democratic Party."  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saw last Sunday on CNN 41 on 41 was surprised to learn Bush and Pressman were friends.

Last Sunday CNN had a program 41 on 41 it was 41 people who knew President Bush(41 the elder) and there thoughts on the great man.To my surprise one 41 was Gabe Pressman,long time newsman for T.V in the New York Area.First I although thought Pressman was liberals,but a lot liberals seem to like President,for example not only President Clinton was on 41 but so was Obama was maybe that wasn't such a surprise,but Pressman is such New York guy,as he put his background was so diffrent then Bush's,Pressman was Jew from the Bronx,a working class rump,while Bush an Ivy League guy,father U.S Senator from the upper class.So what drew these opposites together? Well,it seems in nineteen seventies,when Bush was over ambassador to the U.N. A reporter write a piece for magazine the 10 most overrated New Yorkers and both Bush and Pressman made the list.So George Hebert Walker Bush invited the others to a party and that's how Pressman Bush struck a friendship.Years later when George H. W. Bush become Vice-President he sent Pressman note and ended by writing he was just lucky to made list,you(Pressman) earn it.
Got to love George H. W. Bush what a man,indeed,he is what America use to be great but didn't have to prove it!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The I.R.S commissioner disgrace himself today.

The I.R.S commissioner today come across as irorant,arrogant fool.Nobody believes he about missing e-mails I mean what's next is he going to say the dog eat the e-mails? Paul Ryan comes out looking good,now front running for G.O.P nomination.Lerner is going to lead to jail for some and if not then we own Richard Nixon an apology!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on Cantor's defeat.

On 6/14/14 Saturday got letter to editor published in the New York Post on Cantor's defeat.This is what appeared of my letter in New York Post:"Cantor's defeat is a Pyrrhic victory for the right.If there are any more of these victories,the right will disappear from politics.
All these so-called conservatives are howling with joy like fools jumping into a sinking ship.And they are being egged on by the right-wing radio talk-show hosts,who care little about conservative victories and more about ratings.That's where the money is.
The king of the howling class is Rush Limbaugh,who cares little about freedom." 
This left out the letter,Rush Limbaugh didn't support the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square and dosn't support the embargo on Cuba,indeed,Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton are in the same boat.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. an unsung American Hero

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. an unsung American Hero.I'm not talking about President Theodore Roosevelt(T.R) no it's his eldest son.T.R Jr.was born on 9/13/1887 the second child and first son and first child of his second wife.The first wife died giving born to Alice,the President first child,by the way the President's mother died on same day as his first wife.
In 1924 T.R Jr(the son) ran for Governor of New York against Al Smith.His cousin Eleanor campaigned against him,often whistling as Tea Pot,trying implicate young T.R Jr. in the Teapot Dome Scandal.While he was under Sec of Navy he had nothing to do with the scandal,but it work Smith was elected.Now Eleanor do feel bad and did apologize to Franklin did not,F.D.R was a rueness S.O.B who care only winning election.
When F.D.R win the Presidency and T.R Jr. was asked how did feel that his cousin was President? T.R Jr. come up with classic,he said,well I'm only a fifth cousin soon to be removed.
What makes T.R Jr. an American Hero is died on D-Day on beaches of Normandy.He didn't have to be there;after all,he was the son of former President also old man,but loved the U.S.A so he give his life for America.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor defeat is being misrepresented both by the Left-wing media and Right-wing media.

One of biggest surprised of this year's political season in the defeat of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary.Nobody saw this coming,I didn't see it coming for the media didn't cover it,hence,I didn't know there was a contest.
So why did this happen? Well,the mainstream media(Left-wing will say crazy Tea Party people did him in,the Republicans are now dominated by Right-wing loonies.Both Left-wing media and Right wing point to immigration reform as culprit of Cantor defeat.The Right media protray Cantor as so sort Liberal,but that's lie,Cantor was very conservative,indeed,the whole Republican establishment is very conservative,indeed,the most in history,yet that's not what heard the loud mouth Right-wing talk radio host,like Limbaugh and Hannity who lie all the time and care little about conservatism and care only about making money!
So why did Cantor lose? Because he became complacent,or another words he lost touch with his district.He was seems by people in district as creature from Washington a man seems care little about local business.Tip O'neill since said all politics is local,while 100 percent true there a lot to that.
Did it hurt Cantor that he was Jewish? I think so,but that's not why he lost.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the word of JFK and Obama.

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the words of JFK and Obama.This is what of my letter in the Washington Post on 6/1/14:President Obama's speech at West Point was almost the opposite of John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech.Kennedy's speech,on the bitter cold Washington day,at the height of the Cold War,had these stirring words:"Let every nation know,whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival of liberty."
Now campare that with Obama's speech in which he said we won'tpay any price for liberty.Apparently,the United States is no longer Mr. Kennedy's beacon of liberty.

Gary Schwartz, Fort Lee,N.J.