Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the word of JFK and Obama.

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the words of JFK and Obama.This is what of my letter in the Washington Post on 6/1/14:President Obama's speech at West Point was almost the opposite of John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech.Kennedy's speech,on the bitter cold Washington day,at the height of the Cold War,had these stirring words:"Let every nation know,whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival of liberty."
Now campare that with Obama's speech in which he said we won'tpay any price for liberty.Apparently,the United States is no longer Mr. Kennedy's beacon of liberty.

Gary Schwartz, Fort Lee,N.J.      

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