Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor defeat is being misrepresented both by the Left-wing media and Right-wing media.

One of biggest surprised of this year's political season in the defeat of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary.Nobody saw this coming,I didn't see it coming for the media didn't cover it,hence,I didn't know there was a contest.
So why did this happen? Well,the mainstream media(Left-wing will say crazy Tea Party people did him in,the Republicans are now dominated by Right-wing loonies.Both Left-wing media and Right wing point to immigration reform as culprit of Cantor defeat.The Right media protray Cantor as so sort Liberal,but that's lie,Cantor was very conservative,indeed,the whole Republican establishment is very conservative,indeed,the most in history,yet that's not what heard the loud mouth Right-wing talk radio host,like Limbaugh and Hannity who lie all the time and care little about conservatism and care only about making money!
So why did Cantor lose? Because he became complacent,or another words he lost touch with his district.He was seems by people in district as creature from Washington a man seems care little about local business.Tip O'neill since said all politics is local,while 100 percent true there a lot to that.
Did it hurt Cantor that he was Jewish? I think so,but that's not why he lost.

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