Monday, December 29, 2014

Is Brad Melzer the new Dr.Goebbels?

Watching Brad Meltzer decoding history,it struck me this is a bunch Left-wing American hating bull!
I saw show there did on Mount Rushmore,and lead people there is mysterious evil force working it's will and America is just evil racism country.There interview clown from KKK,now were trying to play fact the sculptor Gutzon Borglum,had done earlier done the Stone Mountain Memorial,however,not mention in the story Borglum left the project over dispute over finances which was mainly done by KKK.Dr.Goebbels would be very pround of Brad Melzer.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible?

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible? On the onset one would say no:after all,Luther died more 200 years before the Revolution and peasants revolted in Luther's lifetime,in his name,Luther distance himself from revolts.But like so much in history,there is under current from movements that often result in unexpected events.For Luther's message that church wasn't center of belief in God but it was personal relationship with God that message resonated with people threw out the ages.Henceforth,Protestantism is key to the derivation of democracy,capitalism and America.Protestantism lead people to distrust centralized government,the belief that s power is in the hands of the people, not institutions like government or the church,indeed one needs the consent of govern to rule.
For record I'm not Protestant,I'M Jewish whatever that is.

Friday, December 26, 2014

George Washington America's most underrated general and Robert Lee the most overrated.

Until recently Robert E. Lee almost God like not only in South but North too! And for wrong reason (political correctness) he's gone down a peg or two.But true is Lee was wrong general for the South.Lee was far too aggressive to suit what the South needed to win.The only the South could have won,if just hang on avoid big battle and hope over time the population of the North would sick of the war,henceforth,leaving the south alone.Basically that's how Washington won the Revolutionary War,he kept thing going until the British public got sick of the war,henceforth,the war ended and America become the United States(although not really consummated until the Constitution come in effect in 1789 six years after the last British troops left).Washington in so many way is underrated,yes we know his great man but to most somehow  he doesn't seem real. 

The wit of Bredan Byrne

Bredan Byrne was governor of New Jersey from 1973 to 1981.In my opinion,not a very good governor,indeed,he give us the state income tax.But all isn't dark with Byrne for had Irishmen's wit.
For Byrne said,"when he dies,he hopes to be buried in Hudson County this way he still be involved in politics."
Byrne trying to point out,of all people the dour Presbyterian Woodrow Wilson had sense of humor when he was governor of New Jersey(1910-1913).Byrne tells the story,Wilson received a phone call 3:00 A.M,the man calling him said Judge Smith has died.Wilson replyed,Oh very sorry to hear that,the man went on,I like to replace him.Wilson replyed it's ok with me,as long as,it's ok with the undertaker."

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

For once Rush Limbaugh is right the New York Times is nuts!

Yesterday the only place I heard that New York Times Editorial Board came out for indicting Dick Cheney for war crimes was Limbaugh show and rightly is was very upset.After all,what was Cheney's great crime? Trying save American lives,trying prevent another 9/11.It sound to me he should get praises from New York Time.But New York Times,as so much of Left,has mean streak.It's not good for these people to defeat their opponents at polls,they want to put them jail,henceforth,the New York Times cohorts are far more dangerous to democracy then a boat load of Dick Cheneys.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Liz Cheney is full of it.

Liz Cheney is full of it and it don't look too good,or smell too good.Liz Cheney is daughter former Vice-President Dick Cheney,who is arrogant S.O.B however for some strange reason I like him,I think because he's patriot,even though,he doesn't quite understand the root of American democracy is consent to govern by the people.
Anyway Liz Cheney said something you heard on Right-wing talk radio all time and it isn't true that reason the Republicans lost the lost two election for President is they don't get vote out.Nonsense,in 2008 the financial crisis doom the G.O.P and in 2012 it was hurricane Sandy and Candy and Romney being too conservative for most people that cause the defeat.Goebbels said if lie enough people will start to believe,however,only true believes in Right-wing talk radio believe that G.O.P lost in 2008 and 2012 because conservatives stay home,it's not true and it's not true that there a large Right-wing base in America.And people spread that lie are hurting the Right-wing.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Opening up Cuba a big pay day for America business?

Opening up Cuba a big day for America business? Not so fast,yes China is very much a capitalist dream,however,big differences with Cuba.First of all many people in China have money and there are capital markets(stock markets) in China,not so in Cuba.
Also in 1934 when FDR recognize the Soviet Union many American business thought they would rich by trade with U.S.S.R,indeed,there was party in fancy New York City hotel where business got drunk dreaming of all profit they would made in U.S.S.R never happen.
Stalin ran closed country,to him less contract the Russian people had without world the better.True in late 1930's he offer Soviet Bond,a lot stupid people bought the bonds,including Ben Kerns(so call genius a Communist who was in La Guardia's dept of investigation)in I think 1939 the Soviet Union defaulted on Bonds.
Putin has problem today's Russian is far more international falling rubles and oil price can lead to Putin's downfall.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The unholy Trinity:Castro,Nixon and Vesco

The unholy trinity:Raul Castro,Donald Nixon and Robert Vesco form a business partnership in mid-nineteen nineties.It was drug,no not that types drugs(not fun ones)but one to cure diseases.Donald Nixon was nehrew of Richard Nixon.Robert Vesco was on lamb convicted Securities fraud.Curiously,his lawyer was the high price Arthur Liman,who later be council for Senate in Iran-contra Affair.Anyway Vesco skip out before trial ended and lead to his life on the run and sad tale ends in Cuba.Vesco stole from the company,he and Nixon were held in jail,however,Nixon hands were clear so Cuba let go,Vesco spent the rest of his life in Cubian jail,he was let go a month before he died,he had lung cancer.However,many didn't believe Vesco was die,they say to prove his died his casket should lifted from grave and open to see if his body was there!  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Does anybody want Rubles?

Does anybody want Rubles? The Russian stock market goes down the Rubles is become worthless,yet Putin seem to go his mad course.On Bloomberg T.V this morning former Chess champion and liberal politician Gary Kaminsky was the guest and he said Putin will die in the Kremlin,nobody knows when or how not even Putin.He also chided Sec. of State Kerry and in round about way Obama for being soft on Russian.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

In Japan it looks like Abenomics is here to stay.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has just win a big victory in parliamentary election,meaning Abenomics is here to stay in Japan for a while.The victory is hard to believe;after all, Japan is in a recession.Of course,it's been downward spin for twenty years,indeed,I'm so old I remember when people talk that Japan would overtake the U.S as number one economy in world,that was 1970's and sound a lot people say today China,but lately China economy seem to be a paper tiger,the numbers are rigged the growth is overstated.
Anyway Abenomic won't solve Japanese economic problems,for it has less to do policy then aging population.Japan simply has too many old people and not enough young people to support its economy.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Got a letter published today(12/11/14) in the NY Post about Herman Badillo R.I.P

Got a letter to the editor pulished today(12/11/14) in the NY Post about R.I.P.Where is what appeared in the paper:"Badillo proved a man from humble beginnings could cast a giant shadow touching all of us in a positive way.
He was the Horatio Alger of his day and a man of strength and courage- a rare commodity on the political battlefield.
He showed a love of the city,a belief in one's self and that through hard work and intelligence much could be accomplished for common good.
Badillo was seen by fools as a Latino radical.As time went on ,Badillo saw the wastefulness and stupidity of left-wing conformists who were dragging the city down.He became a Republican,and supercilious snobs who dominate so much of our culture gave him the back of their hands.
He was a true giant who rose above petty parochial politics of the day."     

Monday, December 8, 2014

Archie Bunker lives through Rush Limbaugh.

Archie Bunker lives through Rush Limbaugh.I mean,this Sunday when Limbaugh appear in Chris Wallace show,on Fox News,Limbaugh like Archie Bunker.Like Limbaugh Archie Bunker was phony character. What do I mean,well Limbaugh is full of crap,like program on Sunday he said the reason why Republicans lost in 2012 was because 4 million Republican didn't go to the poll.A lie,just like Brokaw about a Mid-West radio talk show host talking of Obama and ecrement.
Now Archie Bunker was dishonest character,why? His creator Norman Lear said,Archie was taken from his father,who was Jewish,Archie is portrayed as a WASP.Now I live in New York City in 1970's and there was many WASPs living there and those that did weren't part working class,indeed,they were wealthy,and didn't live in Queens,but rather in Manhattan and,in a way,the very liberal mayor of New York in 1960's John V. Lindsay,who was a WASP,symbolism the WASP of New York.Now Archie was almost portrayed as a Republican,but hard Right white working class,who were mostly Irish and Italian were Democrats,albert George Wallace Democrats not to be confused with Henry Wallace,the very Left-Wing Presidential candidate of the Progressive Party in 1948 who was very popular with the Jews.So see how media distort things,if you a Republican your casted in bad way,now some Republican like Limbaugh(if still is a Republican) are bad lot,but not most and there are plenty bad people who are Democrats.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today in the NY Post about Al Sharpton.

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post today (12/5/14) about Al Sharpton.This is what appear in paper today:"Indeed,the world has gone crazy when the unjust masquerades as a soldier of justice,and so much of society buys the song and dance.
What is Sharpton in reality? A punk,nothing more then a hustler who saw his opportunity to degrade society down to his level of dirt.
We know his history,a true charlatan who will never be held accountable because the feckless political leadership is afraid.
Shame on the men of power who seek Sharpton as a man of vision."

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What gives with the Shanghai Stock Market?

What gives with the Shanghai Stock Market? For it goes up and up today almost five percent gain.Yet we told China is in doldrums,it's economy is slowing down.We are told this is one reason the price oil is dropping like rock,as is many commodities,yet Shanghai Stock Market is booming. Why? Does anybody know?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Is Rush Limbaugh insane or back on drugs?

When you do same thing over and over again and expect a different result that's insanity.That's what the yahoos on Right do all the time,close the government brilliant the public hates it but Limbaugh and company wants the G.O.P to be suicide mission.Fight,fight,fight that's the motto but didn't work out so well in "The Charge of the Light Brigade."

Is OPEC finished?

Is OPEC finished? Well,OPEC was organized in 1960 when the Texas Railroad Commision dominated the oil market,indeed, ruled the roost,by limiting the production of Texas oil.In those days Texas oil when for 3 dollars a barrow,internation oil sold for dollar,that's right a dollar.To stop the influx of cheap foreign oil the U.S Government had quota to restrain incoming foreign oil.The quota was lifted in 1973 the year OPEC showed it's muscle with stoppage of oil to the West.Since 1973 the West was at mercy of OPEC,we importing more and more foreign oil and OPEC rule the roost in the oil market.But then shale revolution occur and U.S soon desprite the dummies in Washington who are captives of environmental morons,will over take from Saudi Arabia and Russia as world's leading productor of oil and gas.
Recently the Saudi,hence,OPEC said they wouldn't cut production of oil despite the dropping price of oil,a sign OPEC's domination of the oil market is over!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Winston Churchill.

Churchill was once asked,how does he think history will treat you? Churchill's answer was,"quite well,for I shall write it."
When Churchill was told Tito was a Communist,Churchill replied,"well I don't live in Yugoslavia,do you? He was answering Sir Fitzroy MacClean,who lead the British mission to Tito.Question was to support Tito,who was a Communist to fight the Nazis.The allies,the British saw Tito as lesser of two evils and I think they were right.
In a debate,in House of Commons,Lady Astor complain about Churchill being drunk.She said,Winston you are drunk and Churchill replied,"madam it's true I am as drunk as you are ugly,however,tomorrom when get up,I shall be sober and you will be still ugly."
One day in bathroom for House of Common Clement Attlee(leader of Labor party and Prime Minster) went to do his business urinal stall,next to Churchill moved to next stall.Attlee said,Winston feeling a bit skipish today? Churchill replied,"No it's not that,it's just you Socialist nationalize everything big."
Churchill also said about Socialism,in broadcast in election of 1945,"No Socialist system can be established without a politican police... They would have to fall back on some sort of Gestapo."
On the fall of France,Churchill said,"If the British nation and Commonwealth last a thousand years...
men will still say,this was their finest hour."
After the British victory in battle of Briton Churchill said,"Never in field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
In beginning of World War Two,as Churchill become P.M he said on 5/13/1940,"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears, and sweat."
On 6/4/1940 Churchill said,"We shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields and streets," Of course,this statement was made during darkness of times for Brits,and indeed,the civilized world in World War Two.