Monday, December 1, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Winston Churchill.

Churchill was once asked,how does he think history will treat you? Churchill's answer was,"quite well,for I shall write it."
When Churchill was told Tito was a Communist,Churchill replied,"well I don't live in Yugoslavia,do you? He was answering Sir Fitzroy MacClean,who lead the British mission to Tito.Question was to support Tito,who was a Communist to fight the Nazis.The allies,the British saw Tito as lesser of two evils and I think they were right.
In a debate,in House of Commons,Lady Astor complain about Churchill being drunk.She said,Winston you are drunk and Churchill replied,"madam it's true I am as drunk as you are ugly,however,tomorrom when get up,I shall be sober and you will be still ugly."
One day in bathroom for House of Common Clement Attlee(leader of Labor party and Prime Minster) went to do his business urinal stall,next to Churchill moved to next stall.Attlee said,Winston feeling a bit skipish today? Churchill replied,"No it's not that,it's just you Socialist nationalize everything big."
Churchill also said about Socialism,in broadcast in election of 1945,"No Socialist system can be established without a politican police... They would have to fall back on some sort of Gestapo."
On the fall of France,Churchill said,"If the British nation and Commonwealth last a thousand years...
men will still say,this was their finest hour."
After the British victory in battle of Briton Churchill said,"Never in field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
In beginning of World War Two,as Churchill become P.M he said on 5/13/1940,"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears, and sweat."
On 6/4/1940 Churchill said,"We shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields and streets," Of course,this statement was made during darkness of times for Brits,and indeed,the civilized world in World War Two.

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