Saturday, December 27, 2014

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible?

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible? On the onset one would say no:after all,Luther died more 200 years before the Revolution and peasants revolted in Luther's lifetime,in his name,Luther distance himself from revolts.But like so much in history,there is under current from movements that often result in unexpected events.For Luther's message that church wasn't center of belief in God but it was personal relationship with God that message resonated with people threw out the ages.Henceforth,Protestantism is key to the derivation of democracy,capitalism and America.Protestantism lead people to distrust centralized government,the belief that s power is in the hands of the people, not institutions like government or the church,indeed one needs the consent of govern to rule.
For record I'm not Protestant,I'M Jewish whatever that is.

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